Goldman, Bert


There are 19 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Learning Style Preference, Sense of Classroom Community, Gender, Age, and Previous Experience within Computer-Mediated Instruction (CMI) 2008 8157 The purpose of this study was to determine if differences existed in sense of classroom community for computer-mediated instruction (CMI) students in terms of learning style (defined as a preference for independent/individualistic or social/cooperati...
Distance Education Financial Expenditures in North Carolina Community Colleges 2008 2223 The purpose of this study was to identify and assess direct costs of distance education at the institutional level within the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) in accordance with the System-level mission of reducing barriers to higher e...
What Motivates Community College Faculty to Support the Adoption of a Learning-Centered Educational Environment? 2008 3309 In the late 1990s, the president of Diamond Technical Community College (DTCC) participated in the North Carolina Community Instructor's Conference where he heard Terry O'Banion, a former president of the League for Innovation, speak about a learning...
Self-Reflection during Transition to College: A Qualitative Understanding of Women Becoming West Point Cadets 2008 6417 The purpose of this study was to explore identity and self-reflection during the transition to college. The stories of six women entering the United States Military Academy at West Point were collected on three different occasions: prior to entrance,...
Perceptions of Athletic Participation: A Comparative Case Study of Two North Carolina Community Colleges 2008 1644 Interviews were conducted with administrators and a student government association representative at each institution. Additional data related to enrollment, sports and funding were provided by the institution that participates in athletics. The rese...
The Effect that First-Year Experience Courses Have on Student Athletes' Academic Success When Only Student Athletes are Enrolled Versus When Student Athletes are Enrolled with Non-Athletes 2008 5203 This study examined whether the academic success, specifically the grade-point average, NCAA progress-towards-degree, and freshman to sophomore retention rates, of student athletes was influenced by participating in a first-year experience course pop...
Factors affecting high-level college administrators' attitudes toward information from and frequency of use of various sources of information 1989 222 The purpose of this study is to explore the following for high-level college administrators: identify the attitudes toward arid frequency of use of information from various sources; investigate factors affecting the attitudes toward and frequency of ...
Changes in performance on the nursing licensure examination : an investigation of possible causes 1991 217 The purpose of this study was to identify possible factors that might relate to the changes in the performance on the NCLEX-RN. Data were examined on sixty-two graduates in one baccalaureate nursing program at a predominately black, moderate size sta...
Leadership behavior of selected community college presidents and situational characteristics of their institutions as variables affecting program evaluation 1992 224 The purpose of this study was to compare the leadership behavior of presidents of North Carolina community colleges who had developed and implemented high quality program evaluation with those presidents who had not and to compare the degree of situa...
A comparison of individuals and dyads in attaining relational concepts 1971 1177 The purposes of this study were (1) to determine whether children attain relational concepts as efficiently when they work as individuals as when they work in dyads; and (2) to compare, as strategies, the choices of the dyads and the individuals in t...
The effectiveness of developmental education at Forsyth Technical Community College, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 1992 138 The purpose of this study was to gain information about the effectiveness of the developmental program at Forsyth Technical Community College (FTCC). Specifically, this study compared the academic success of students placed in developmental programs ...
A comparison of selected student outcomes in community college associate degree nursing programs using a competitive admissions process versus those using a modified open admissions process 1993 289 The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there were significant differences in selected student outcomes in community college associate degree nursing programs using a competitive admissions process compared to those programs using a modi...
A comparison of measures of community college effectiveness in satisfying students' academic goals 1995 163 The purpose of this study was to examine the students' and the accrediting agency's perceptions of the community colleges' effectiveness in satisfying students' academic goals. This study identified criteria which contribute to the students' and to t...
Monitoring for success : implementing a proactive probation program for diverse, at-risk college students 2006 2226 "This study examined the impact of the University of North Carolina Greensboro's Strategies for Academic Success (SAS 100) program on the self-efficacy and academic achievement of students on academic probation. The Student Strategies for Success Sur...
Perceptions and beliefs of teacher educators who work in professional development schools 1995 231 The purpose of this study was to investigate the beliefs and perceptions held by selected teacher education professors regarding (a) their individual roles as teacher educators in professional development schools, and (b) the utility of professional ...
The Tennessee self-concept scale as an indicator of community college student retention and need for remediation 1994 249 The purpose of this research was to assess the relationships between (a) students' level of self-concept and placement into at least one remedial course and (b) student's level of self-concept and retention into the third quarter of enrollment at Ran...
The effects of 16-week walking and 16-week weight-training programs on the performance of men and women ages 65-77 on the Ross Information Processing Assessment 1993 209 The purpose of this investigation was to determine if performance on the Ross Information Processing Assessment (RIPA) by older adults is altered by 16-week walking and weight-training programs. Forty-four, nondiseased, inactive male and female subje...
Institutional effectiveness : a handbook for program implementation by members of the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges 1995 266 The purpose of this dissertation was to determine whether the institutional effectiveness model appropriate for the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges (AABC) members was the same as the model used in other colleges and universities. The resolu...
A comparison of postsecondary academic success of traditional high school graduates and GED graduates enrolled in vocational and technical programs at selected North Carolina community colleges 1992 247 The purpose of this study was to compare the postsecondary academic success of students who graduated from traditional four-year high schools and GED graduates. The study focused on students enrolled at a representative sample of twelve of North Caro...