Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Keywords - P

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There are 39 record/s using the keyword/s: physical education.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
The Interrelationships Between Predicted And Actual Measures Of Max VO2 And Running Performa...1973Byrnes, William CharlesStudentPhysical Education - Student, ASU
An Investigation Of The Effectiveness Of Four Practice Schedules On Learning The Serve In Te...1975Felts, Ronald F.StudentHealth, Physical Education, & Recreation - Student, ASU
Mor's Soccer Skill Test Battery For Male University Students1977Mor, David StudentHealth, Physical Education & Recreation - Student, ASU
Personality Factors Of Students In Outdoor Related Physical Education Courses1978Smith, Thomas J.StudentHealth, Physical Education & Recreation - Student, ASU
A Predicted, Optimal Bench Height For Individualized Plyometric Training1985Evitt, Don StudentHealth Education, Phys. Ed., & Leisure - Student, ASU
The Relationship Between Stride Length And Plasma Lactate Accumulation In Highly Trained Dis...1985Seymour, John M.StudentHealth Education, Phys. Ed., & Leisure - Student, ASU
The Scholastic Aptitude Test Score Of 700 As A Predictive Factor For College Scholastic Pote...1984Coiner, Jr., Charles EdwardStudentPhysical Education - Student, ASU
A Study Of Physical Education In The German Boys' High Schools During The National Socialist...1957Matthews, Albert P.StudentEducation - Student, ASU
A Study Of Staffing And Financing Of Intramural Programs Of State Supported Colleges And Uni...1975Harris, Jr., Robert R.StudentHealth, Physical Education & Recreation - Student, ASU
A Study To Determine The Present Professional Status Of Physical Education In White Co-Educa...1953Beach, Thomas StuartStudentEducation - Student, ASU
A Summary Of The Aims And Objectives That Should Underlie An Elementary School Physical Educ...1955Hammond, Doris StudentEducation - Student, ASU
A Survey Of Managerial Times Within Appalachian State University Physical Education Skill An...1978McCarthy, Joseph P.StudentHealth, Physical Ed. and Recreation - Student, ASU
A Time Comparison Among The Cross-Over Step, The Jab-Step And Two Types Of Sprinter's Starts...1974Israel, Richard GayStudentHealth and Physical Education - Student, ASU
The Vertical Jump As A Factor In Assessing Freestyle Sprint Ability In Eleven And Twelve Yea...1979Edmonds, Jr., John J.StudentHealth, Physical Education & Recreation - Student, ASU