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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Music listening and critical thinking: Teaching using a constructivist paradigm2004Johnson, Daniel C.FacultyMusic, UNCW
Measuring the Economic Benefits of Water Quality Improvement with Benefit Transfer: An Intro...2005Dumas, Christopher F.FacultyEconomics and Finance, UNCW
Measuring the Economic Benefits of Water Quality Improvement with Benefit Transfer: An Intro...2005Schuhmann, Peter FacultyEconomics and Finance, UNCW
MARC record services: A comparative study of library practices and perceptions2008Kemp, Rebecca FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
Measuring the economic impacts of sea-level rise on marine recreational shore fishing in Nor...2008Dumas, Christopher F.FacultyEconomics and Finance, UNCW
Molecular evidence that the lionfishes Pterois miles and Pterois volitans are distinct speci...2009Freshwater, Wilson FacultyCenter for Marine Science, UNCW
Male mate preference in the eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki)2009Mcmillan, Michael StudentPsychology, UNCW
Measuring the impacts of climate change on North Carolina coastal resources2009Dumas, Christopher F.FacultyEconomics and Finance, UNCW
Margaret danced through Neil Armstrong' : readers responding to Susan Power's spiritual fict...2009Mills, Paul S.StudentEnglish, UNCW
Morphometric variability and allometric relationships in the seagrass Thalassia testudinum i...2009Hackney, John W.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Metal ion complexing properies [i.e. properties] of amide donating ligands2009Siddons, Chynthia JanetteStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Metabolic influences of fiber size in aerobic and anaerobic muscles of the blue crab, Callin...2009Johnson, Lisa K.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Mixed anova model analysis of microarray experiments with locally polled error2009Liu, Yuan StudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCW
Material girl : the subjective role of objects in Dorothy Parker's poems and short stories2009Spencer, Briana M.StudentEnglish, UNCW
Megagametogenesis and nuclear DNA content estimation in Halophila (Hydrocaritaceae)2009York, Robert A.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Metal ion complexing properties of the two-dimensional, highly preorganized ligand 1, 10-Phe...2009Melton, Darren LandonStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Morphologic comparisons of shallow and deepwater benthic marine diatoms of Onslow Bay, North...2009McGee, Dorien KymberlyStudentEarth Sciences, UNCW
Maroons and the Jamaican frontier zones of the eighteenth century2009Zugrave, Greg StudentHistory, UNCW
Mercury concentration and speciation in coastal rainwater2009Parler, Nicole ErinStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Maternal characteristics, parenting quality, and child behavior problems2009Creech, Amber L.StudentPsychology, UNCW
Media influence on deviant behavior in middle school students2009Pearson, Adrian D.StudentEducation, UNCW
Manganese concentration and speciation in coastal rainwater, southeastern North Carolina2009Inscore, Michael ToddStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Metabolomics2009Norris, Teresa EmileaStudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCW
Mineralization pattern, mineral phases, and selected elemental analysis of the dorsal carapa...2009Johnson, Samantha StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
The masquerade and bisexuality in Margaret Atwood's The robber bride2009Jones, Jessica L.StudentEnglish, UNCW