Browse Author By Last Name - V

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There are 104 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Vacc, Nancy NesbittEducation, UNCG Student
Vadehra, Pooja Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG Student
Vaidya, Himani Biology, UNCG Student
Vaidya, Smita PralhadPhysics, UNCG Student
Vail, Marilyn Romance Languages, UNCG Student
Vaishnav, Shreya V.Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG Student
Valades, Matthew English, UNCG Student
Valcheff, Karen Nursing, UNCG Student
Valenti, Francis TimothyHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG Student
Vallecorsa, Ada LEducation, UNCG Faculty
Valsalan, A. KattiappurathuChemistry, UNCG Student
Van Acker, Teresa A.Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student
Van Blarcom, Bruce Drama and Speech, UNCG Student
Van Dyke, Jan E.Dance, UNCG Faculty
Van Eeden-Moorefield, Bradley MatheusHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG Student
Van Hasselt, Martijn Economics, UNCG Faculty
Van Horn, Elizabeth R.Nursing, UNCG Faculty
Van Horne, Janice L.Chemistry, UNCG Student
Van Noppen, Sally English, UNCG Student
Van Rheenen, Jessica M.English, UNCG Student
Vana, Marilee A.Music, UNCG Student
Vance, David NathanielMusic, UNCG Student
Vance, G. WarlockEnglish, UNCG Student
Vance, Jarod C.Kinesiology, UNCG Student
Vance, Mary ElamBusiness Education, UNCG Student