Browse Author By Last Name - K

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There are 347 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Kyle, David LewisKinesiology, UNCG Student
Kwapil, Thomas R.Psychology, UNCG Faculty
Kwan-Ching, Jane YinlengHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG Student
Kuznetsov, Nikita Kinesiology, UNCG Faculty
Kuykendal, Dorothy LouiseEnglish, UNCG Student
Kuwahara, Kuldip KaurEnglish, UNCG Student
Kutchei, Rivka R. KolariHome Economics, UNCG Student
Kuster, Ryan Biology, UNCG Student
Kurtz, Kevin DanielKinesiology, UNCG Student
Kurtts, Stephanie A.Specialized Education Services, UNCG Faculty
Kurdyla, Victoria A.Sociology, UNCG Student
Kuperberg, Arielle Sociology, UNCG Faculty
Kumar, Surender Computer Science, UNCG Student
Kulish, Andrea L.Psychology, UNCG Student
Kulas, Anthony S.Kinesiology, UNCG Faculty
Kuhns, Jack Psychology, UNCG Student
Kuhlmann, Beatrice G.Psychology, UNCG Student
Kuhlman, Kristyn LeeMusic, UNCG Student
Kuhlken, Katherine Psychology, UNCG Student
Ku, Peijia Biology, UNCG Student
Ksor, Vung UNCG Faculty
Kshetri, Nir B.Management, UNCG Faculty
Krueger, Derek Religious Studies, UNCG N/A
Krueger, Adam Nursing, UNCG Student
Krucker, Kathleen AnnHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG Student
Krowchuk, Heidi VNursing, UNCG Faculty
Kronberg, Eugene TheodoreArt, UNCG Student
Kroll-Smith, J. SSociology, UNCG Faculty
Kroiss, Doris A.Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG Student
Krive, Sarah A.Lloyd International Honors College, UNCG N/A
Kring, Daria L.Nursing, UNCG Student
Krim, Stacey University Libraries, UNCG Faculty
Kriger, Draco P.Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG Student
Kriger, Colleen History, UNCG N/A
Kriesky, Richard Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student
Kress, Christine M. BazikNursing, UNCG Student
Krechel, Emily K.Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG N/A
Krautter, Mary University Libraries, UNCG Faculty
Krane, Victoria IvyHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG Student
Kramer, Julie F.Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG Student
Krahnke, Gwendolyn ElizabethHome Economics, UNCG Student
Kragulj, Boja Music, UNCG Student
Kozak, Bruce History, UNCG Student
Kowalski, Robin M.Psychology, UNCG Student
Kowalski, Elizabeth L.Music, UNCG Student
Kowalski, Daniel RobertHistory, UNCG Student
Kowacich, Dannielle JosephineBiology, UNCG Student
Kout, Yacine Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student
Kostaki, Stavroula ErikettaEducation, UNCG Student
Kosiczky, Bonnie Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student