Browse Author By Last Name - M

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There are 753 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Medlin, Kristin UNCG Faculty
McLaughlin, Ian UNCG Faculty
Moore, Sam M.Accounting and Finance, UNCG N/A
Milanese, James A.Accounting and Finance, UNCG N/A
Meachum, Lorenzo AFS, UNCG N/A
Mathews, Joan AHN, UNCG N/A
McNeal, Linda JAHN, UNCG N/A
Maree, Nancy BAHN, UNCG N/A
Mountjoy, Joseph B.Anthropology, UNCG Faculty
Murphy, Arthur D.Anthropology, UNCG Faculty
Montgomery, Heath Art, UNCG Student
Moore, Maurice Art, UNCG Student
Morgan, Andrew W.Art, UNCG Student
Morgan, John TheodoreArt, UNCG Student
Moser, Sara JaneArt, UNCG Student
Moore, Susan Art, UNCG Student
Mignone, Roseann Art, UNCG Student
Matsunobu, Morris TatsuoArt, UNCG Student
Martin, Carolyn SuttonArt, UNCG Student
Montgomery, Katherine MarshArt, UNCG Student
Makelin, Helen EstherArt, UNCG Student
Mintich, Mary Art, UNCG Student
Murray, Ellen RosanneArt, UNCG Student
Moore, Cynthia CoxArt, UNCG Student
Maggio, Kimberly JaneArt, UNCG Student