Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Title - N

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Naturally mindful : piloting nature-based mindfulness training for college students with anx...2023Vitagliano, Luke A.StudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Noticing trauma responses: the development and validation of the autonomic response screenin...2020Lowman, Madeleine MorrisStudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
The North Carolina Speaker Ban Commission hearing : a study of evidence1974Best, Gloria T.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
North Carolina’s Clean Smokestacks Act: untangling a tangled relationship2018Larson, Justin J.StudentEconomics, UNCG
Nature trails for elementary children1951Keller, Dale FranklinStudentEducation, UNCG
A new model for aesthetic education1980Jenkins, Mary Anne CaruanaStudentEducation, UNCG
The negritude poets and their critics : a literary assessment and implications for education...1978Latimer, Georgie BlancheStudentEducation, UNCG
The North Carolina community college system : its inception - its growth - its legal framewo...1978Lochra, Albert PultzStudentEducation, UNCG
Non-tax money in Guilford County schools 1972-731974Nelson, Ralph RussellStudentEducation, UNCG
The new state board of community colleges of North Carolina : 1981 decisions and the governa...1983Oliver, Dorothy McMichaelStudentEducation, UNCG
Networking in curriculum planning : the development and application of a model1984Simmons, Robert DaleStudentEducation, UNCG
The North Carolina state system of allotting administrative positions to the public schools ...1977Slemenda, Charles JohnStudentEducation, UNCG
A naturalistic study of student teaching in the secondary school1982Wolfe, Delores MortonStudentEducation, UNCG
The narcissistic dialectic : narcissism, dualism and gender1986Speer, Allen PaulStudentEducation, UNCG
The nurse's liberation : an evolutionary epistemological paradigm for nursing1987Murphey, Carol JeanStudentEducation, UNCG
The North Carolina Contractual Scholarship Fund program : outcomes, administrative practices...1987Simmons, Barry WilliamsStudentEducation, UNCG
The North Carolina speaker ban law episode : its history and implications for higher educati...1988Stewart, William AlbertStudentEducation, UNCG
The nature of women's power : an interpretive analysis of perceptions of selected senior adm...1988Cartwright, Talula StudentEducation, UNCG
Nonpublic schools revisited : a comparative study of nonpublic education in North Carolina f...1988Graves, Rebecca WebsterStudentEducation, UNCG
N.C. community college/industry interactions : present status and future possibilities1989Ellis, Martha ShieldsStudentEducation, UNCG
North Carolina K-5 principals' perceptions of the teacher performance appraisal instrument1990Lamm, Mary HobgoodStudentEducation, UNCG
North Carolina Basic Education Program : design versus implementation1991Ingle, Mary MargaretStudentEducation, UNCG
North Carolina's alternative programs for disruptive youth : analysis and recommendations1992Hudgins, Jeannette StudentEducation, UNCG
A naturalistic responsive evaluation of a selected middle school home-school-community partn...1994Legrand, Patricia EvansStudentEducation, UNCG
Narratives and stories of an “anti-racist racist:” making whiteness visible, bridging the ga...2017Voigt, Julie StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG