Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Keywords - OTHER

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There are 3283 record/s using the keyword/s: other.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
A study of the effect of mother employment upon elementary school children of a textile comm...1945Clifton, Annette PattonStudentUNCG
The status of music education in the fifth grades of the public schools of Piedmont North Ca...1949Jones, Margaret TysonStudentUNCG
A study of space as an element in plastic design1951Wall, Helen AnneStudentUNCG
"Games"1975Alvarez, Linda RodrigueStudentUNCG
Parental attitudes and acceptance of deafness related to the sex-role development of the dea...1975Holland, Nancy AlexanderStudentUNCG
Academic governance, freedom, tenure, and due process at East Coast Bible College : a develo...1984Oxendine, Sammy RayStudentUNCG
The role of illness in Central American Indian and Ladino society1971Clement, Susan LetitiaStudentAnthropology, UNCG
A study in blackness1968Cheek, Betty E.StudentArt, UNCG
Personal problems in creativity1969Ainsley, Margaret LynneStudentArt, UNCG
The concept of space as seen in Japanese horizontal architecture and in Roman vaulted archit...1967Helsing, Elizabeth C.StudentArt, UNCG
Brief description of six oil paintings1957Bradford, Sarah G.StudentArt, UNCG
Creating mosaics1960Zezefillis, Helen StudentArt, UNCG
The Ulrich house : a brief analysis of a creative project and sketches1962Gery, Frances StudentArt, UNCG
Sensation of being : new realism1966Bell, Marianne StudentArt, UNCG
A study of experience and its relationship to painting1951Dehoney, Martyvonne StudentArt, UNCG
The image in the seed : a creation of art forms through painting and drawing inspired by bio...1951Bevilaqua, William OttoStudentArt, UNCG
An explanation of the existence of twelve paintings1953Chipley, Ann StudentArt, UNCG
Nature and the non-objective : an essay concerning fifteen paintings1953Brandt, Warren StudentArt, UNCG
The artist's emotional response to environment as reflected in painting1952King, Wilma LillianStudentArt, UNCG
The source and substance for a contemporary art of American origin1952Morgan, Andrew W.StudentArt, UNCG
Spatial dynamics in painting achieved through plane manipulation1953Morgan, John TheodoreStudentArt, UNCG
Motion towards the center : an essay on reality as expressed in fourteen paintings1953Pope, Charlotte HumeStudentArt, UNCG
An interpretative essay concerning twelve paintings1952Porter, Raiford MillerStudentArt, UNCG
An autobiographical approach to the creative process and to my creative work1953Smith, Eugene TaftStudentArt, UNCG
The use of symbolic line as a means to composition1954Clarke, Ruth AbbottStudentArt, UNCG