Spillane, Sunny


There are 4 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Hidden in plain view 2021 498 My work is based in my desire to embody a critical relationship with whiteness as I create work that reflects my political and relational values. As a white prison abolitionist, I look to the work of anti-slavery abolitionists, contemporary artists a...
Black : outside the box 2023 176 What does art look like when it is unapologetically black? How does a Black American artist find voice within the lens of an institution that does not see him? Black: Outside the Box is a journal of expression that takes shape in the form of physical...
Ten feet at a time 2024 47 This body of work recognizes the incremental process of change and growth. It is slow, it is uncomfortable, it is clumsy and imperfect, and we are pursued and propelled in turn by the people we move through it with. ten feet at a time is an invitatio...
Give me space 2024 217 Give Me Space is a body of work born out of my genuine curiosity of the world around me. This thesis explores my journey of rediscovering my relationship to my art practice, my identity and the world. I am reflecting on the personal culture shock of ...