Coard, Stephanie Irby


There are 7 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Resilience in Black collegiate women attending a predominantly White institution: a latent profile analysis 2019 391 The purpose of the current study was to understand and attempt to contextualize resilience and the nuanced experiences of Black college women and discover new information that might be insightful to help dismantle institutional barriers that prohibit...
Examining sociopolitical attitudes : Black youths’ understanding and responses to social injustices 2023 179 Black youth have been exposed to acts of racial violence and injustices throughout history, but there is also a history of social and political movements rooted in creating social change or in opposition to one. Previous research has discussed the de...
Talking the talk, walking the walk : Black children’s understanding of race and racism 2023 162 Children in the United States live in a highly racialized society and, as a result, acquire an awareness of race at an early age, eventually developing an understanding of racism (Quintana, 2008). Understanding race and racism is especially relevant ...
Colorism and perceived sexual risk taking among African American adolescent girls: where does racial socialization fit in this relationship? 2010 5705 The primary purpose of this study was to examine the influences of colorism on perceived harm of sexual risk taking behaviors among 243 African American adolescent females. Additionally, this study sought to examine the potential moderating role of c...
Head Start impact on parent educational practices and the influence of household risk 2018 515 School readiness research has indicated parents play salient roles in promoting school readiness skills for their children. However contextual factors such as household risk and quality early care and education programs influence how parents engage i...
Black adolescents’ discrimination experiences and academic engagement: the role of general and culturally-distinctive parental involvement 2018 44 Using data from Black 8th graders who participated in the Maryland Adolescent Development in Context study (Eccles, 1999), this study examined the distinct impact of racial discrimination from peers and teachers on adolescents’ academic engagement, a...
#AskRachel: signifying performances and Black racial authenticity on Black Twitter 2020 862 Definitions of Blackness and what are deemed as accurate portrayals of Blackness have changed over time. Connections to Blackness have been linked to biological, social, cultural, and phenotypical means that construct strict boundaries around how rac...