Brown-Jeffy, Shelly


There are 8 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Public and private presentations of the self and employment seeking 2011 2462 Facebook has become a mainstay in today's society and a new venue for employers to research their candidates. Using the theories of Erving Goffman and advice from employment etiquette guides, this exploratory study examines how the presentation of se...
The black mirror of social media: exploring perceptions of racial inequalities during police interactions as presented in social media narratives 2017 1338 Much of the 21st century has been overwhelmed by various technological advancements that have ultimately captured the interest of society. The creation of the internet and subsequently social networking sites have added a new aspect to the theory of ...
Are we disappearing African American women through mass incarceration? It depends on the day 2018 302 While much discussion surrounding mass incarceration focuses on African American men, African American women, too, are incarcerated at higher rates than their female counterparts – European American women. The number of incarcerated women dramaticall...
The effects of racial threat on the use of expulsions and suspensions in North Carolina Public Schools 2024 53 The current research study examined the effects of racial threat to understand its influence on the use of expulsions, in-school suspensions, and out-of-school suspensions in North Carolina Public Schools. This study also examined this relationship t...
The (Dis) Order of Transgender Identities: How the Requirement for a Mental Health Diagnosis Inhibits Transgender Autonomy 2018 736 This research paper looks at the history of transgender medicalization primarily in the United States. Using the history of the changing terms to reflect transgenderism, the evolving theory behind the etiology of the so-called 'disorder', the treatme...
Decisions, decisions: the rationale behind high school teachers’ discipline decision-making process 2019 498 This research examines the influential circumstances involved in the discipline decision-making process of school teachers at one predominantly Black high school and one predominantly White high school. I gathered data on teachers’ understanding and ...
Social Inequalities in the Time of COVID-19 2020 262 With the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, daily life is being drastically impacted, whether it is compromising someone’s health, laying off a large portion of our workforce, or moving our youth to indefinite online schooling. With these s...
Securing capital : how the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program promotes social capital for its’ scholars 2022 99 The purpose of this study is to shed light on how the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro promotes social capital for its’ scholars as well as how that impacts graduate school motiv...