Wellman, Rowena


There are 11 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
A study of the demand and supply of business teachers in the standard white secondary schools of North Carolina 1944 226 One of the most important functions of the state is the education and training of its young people. For a successful state program of education it is necessary to have an adequate supply of well trained teachers. Just as it is important to have enoug...
The re-evaluation of a clerical aptitude test 1944 976 The development of aptitude tests, as a means of selecting applicants for employment, has accompanied the growth of business enterprise. The recognition of the fact that the placement of an applicant in a position for which he is poorly equipped usua...
A list of words selected from the Horn-Peterson list containing all three letter sequences found in the first seven thousand words 1947 951 What is the best copy to use for building skill in the learning of typewriting? The question may have no definitive answer. Yet better copy than any now in use might be developed. It is not the purpose of this study to investigate better copy. There ...
Report on a follow-up study of business education graduates of the Woman's College, University of North Carolina, for the years, 1933-1941 1946 395 The Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, in 1942-1943, launched a follow-up study of graduates and dropouts of the College for the period from 1933 through 1941. Differentiated questionnaires for the two groups were prepared in printe...
A catalogue study of business offerings in the colleges of the Presbyterian church, U.S. 1946 212 This study is a catalogue study of the business offerings and graduation requirements of the colleges of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. For clarification of the scope involved, a brief explanation is here presented to make clear the distinction betwe...
The status of business education in Catholic high schools, 1943-1944 1947 195 There is no national head of the Catholic school system. Catholic schools are unified in that they have the same philosophy of education. This philosophy is expressed in the Encyclical of Pope Pius XI, "Christian Education of Youth”, as follows: It i...
Comparison of achievement in typewriting and interest as measured by an occupational interest inventory 1947 462 Just what factors contribute to attainment of typewriting skill are not definitely known, but a number of attempts have been made to determine what they are, with varying degrees of success. White classifies the traits that have been the subject of s...
A catalogue study of the secretarial programs in senior colleges in North Carolina 1948 313 This study grew out of a specific situation involving a proposed reorganization of a secretarial department in a small liberal arts college. Information was desired about the secretarial courses offered, the courses required, and the amount of credit...
Employment opportunities and educational requirements for secretarial workers in the churches of the Georgia Baptist convention, 1947 1948 237 One of the most important functions of the church-supported college or university is the preparation of young people for places of leadership within the church. In order that this function may be efficiently performed, certain information is necessar...
A study of the relationship between scores on the Minnesota vocational test for clerical workers and the 1946 national clerical ability test in stenography 1948 696 One of the functions of education is the counseling of individuals in the selection of fields of work in which they will perform most effectively and in which they will be well adjusted. Many students registering for shorthand fail or drop out before...
A survey of the teaching of filing in the public white high schools of North Carolina and of filing activities in offices represented in area 3 of the National Office Management Association, February, 1948 1949 325 This study developed out of the planning of units to be included in a high school clerical practice course. For a learning unit in filing, two types of information were desired: (a) information about the filing instruction in the North Carolina high ...