Bulgin, Randolph


There are 15 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
George Eliot's moral vision : the feminine ideal 1987 345 Unlike many Victorian writers, George Eliot is not concerned with examining and defining the ideal gentleman. Instead, in her novels, most notably in Scenes of Clerical Life, Silas Marner, Romola, Middlemarch, and Daniel Deronda, she presents the rea...
The haunted world of C. S. Lewis : a study of his space trilogy 1968 1794 The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that C. S. Lewis In his space trilogy la not so much a maker of myths as a reteller of myths. He uses older myth to affirm his belief that man lives in a world haunted by the supernatural. The first chapter...
A study of George Gissing's New grub street as a transitional novel 1968 2161 The purpose of my thesis is to prove in what ways George Gissing is a representative novelist of the transitional period between the Victorian and modern eras, and to examine and evaluate critically New Grub Street, his best work. The conditions and ...
The dolphin as symbol in three modern works : Ernest Hemingway, The old man and the sea; William Butler Yeats, "Byzantium;" T.S. Eliot, The waste land 1970 660 Like any form of art literature involves communication of some type of meaning through a particular medium. Literature's medium, of course, is language. Most definitions aiming to discriminate literature from other types of utterance emphasize its co...
Confrontation scenes in Middlemarch 1970 372 Critics, while generally praising George Eliot's Middlemarch, cannot agree on what makes the novel great. Some say the greatness of the book lies in the characterizations. Others say the novelist reveals her central genius in aesthetic unity. My the...
The harmony of conflict : the cosmology of Heracleitus in D. H. Lawrence's Women in love 1975 536 It was the purpose of this study to relate the world view expressed within Women in Love to a cosmological order devised by the Greek philosopher Heracleitus as expressed in his work "On Nature." Women in Love contains a plethora of bipolar dichotomi...
Charlotte Bronte's Villette : the confessional perspective 1966 403 The appearance of Charlotte Bronte's novel Villette In 1853 provoked a vigorous critical reaction, for the work marked a departure from the prevailing course of the novel in the mid-nineteenth century. The rise of industrialism and the moral convicti...
An examination of Tobias Smollett's The Expedition of Humphry Clinker 1967 1346 My thesis is a critical examination of The Expedition of Humphry Clinker (1771), the final novel of Tobias George Smollett. In an analysis of both its style and substance, I concentrate on both the form and content of this literary work. Divided into...
Relativity and the theme of love in Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria Quartet 1966 1064 The Alexandria Quartet is based on the epistemological position that all knowledge is limited by the knower's position in time and space—a position which author Lawrence Durrell links with the Einsteinian theory of relativity. This epistemology influ...
Tess as the archetype of the earth goddess in Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles 1967 960 Chapter I sees Thomas Hardy's novels, especially Tess of the D’Urbervilles, as tragedies which lie outside the mainstream of the literary thought of his century. The rise of the English Novel was largely influenced by John Locke's philosophy of free ...
Malcom Lowry's Under the volcano as tragedy 1975 881 Malcolm Lowry's Under the Volcano can be viewed as a tragedy on three levels--Aristotelian, Christian, and existential. With his choice of an epigraph taken from Sophocles' Antigone, Lowry indicates his purpose to present his Consul as an Aristotelia...
Virginia Woolf as equilibrist : the moment of vision and the androgynous mind 1978 773 Current assessments based more upon Virginia Woolf's feminism than upon her novels as literature threaten to make of her a cult-heroine, whose image is now printed upon t-shirts and tote bags. This study asserts, however, that Virginia Woolf's novels...
A new perspective on the warrior figure in the Grail legend 1973 259 It is the aim of this thesis to characterize the figure of the warrior as it is portrayed throughout certain important literary works. The characterization includes the set pattern of actions which the warrior follows, the framework in which the patt...
The rhetoric of characterization : a study of Dickens' Mr. Dombey and Arthur Clennam 1978 1931 The purposes of this study are to analyze Dickens' characterizations of Mr. Paul Dombey, Sr. , in Dombey and Son and Arthur Clennam in Little Dorrit; and to illustrate the critical possibilities of a theory of characterization which regards the metho...
Characterization, character, and moral judgment of the women in Middlemarch 1989 1885 This is a detailed study of the methods of characterization used to create the female personages of Middlemarch and an attempt to place those characters historically. The first two chapters include a discussion of the position of women in the growing...