Johnson, Mildred


There are 28 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Home economics curricular reforms in the public elementary schools in the Philippines 1900-1980 1981 2347 The purpose of this study was to trace the historical development of Home Economics taught in the public elementary schools in the Philippines from 1900 to 1980. Specifically, it sought to determine: (a) the general educational aims and policies that...
Influences of energy conservation education on attitudes and behaviors of selected youths in piedmont North Carolina 1981 385 The purpose of this experimental study was to examine the attitudes and behaviors of selected youths in Piedmont North Carolina toward energy conservation. The specific objectives were to determine attitudes and behaviors of selected youths toward en...
Parental perceived needs of senior high school students concerning adult roles and responsibilities in Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools : Charlotte, North Carolina 1987 162 The purpose of this study was to determine what parents perceived as needs of young adults concerning adult roles and responsibilities after high school. A stratified cluster sampling technique was used to secure a representative sample of parents. T...
Procedure for selection of participants in high school home economics programs with occupational emphasis 1967 295 Home economics programs with occupational emphasis are an attempt to provide education for the development of skills, attitudes, and knowledge to the extent that an individual may enter or make progress in his chosen vocation. This study was designed...
The relationship of selected factors to teacher morale among vocational teachers in Guilford County, North Carolina 1968 274 The purposes of this study were to determine the general level of morale of vocational teachers; to compare vocational teachers' perceptions of ten selected dimensions related to teacher morale; and to determine the relationship of the selected dimen...
Development of the objectives and generalizations for use in a self-instructional program on the selection and use of a commercial blouse pattern 1968 304 The purposes of this study were (1) to develop the objectives and the generalizations for a self-instructional program on the selection and use of a commercial blouse pattern for Home Economics I students; (2) to determine whether the teaching proced...
Parental empathy and family-role interactions as portrayed on commercial television 1981 1015 Research studies have found that prosocial behaviors can be learned from viewing select television programs. In a time when the family has been thought of as disintegrating and has few role models for parenting, television could be of prime importanc...
An inquiry into food price information : specials and nonspecials 1984 385 The major objectives of this study were to determine the food price information available to consumers, to determine factors which influence consumers' choices, to determine what home economics teachers teach on how to get the most for the food dolla...
A comparative study of competencies attained by students who have received instruction in consumer education and students who have not received instruction 1982 222 The purposes of this study were to determine whether students who had completed a semester of Home Economics 7115, Consumer Education, had attained a higher level of competency than those who had not received the instruction, and to determine some re...
A comparative analysis of needs and attitudes of home economics teachers in North Carolina who did and who did not attend the 1983 vocational summer workshop in relation to inservice education 1984 293 The purpose of this study was to compare the needs and attitudes of home economics teachers in relation to inservice education. Two groups of teachers were randomly selected to participate in the study: (a) teachers who attended the 1983 Vocational S...
Preparing vocational teachers to effectively serve special needs students : an inservice education model 1990 242 The purpose of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate an inservice education model for home economics teachers in the areas of diagnoses, causes, intervention and remediation, instructional, and behavior management techniques for learning ...
Money management practices of eighth grade students 1972 220 The major purposes of this study were to identify sources of income, items purchased by eighth grade students, the extent to which students used credit, and to determine if local stores offered credit to teen-agers. The subjects were the eighth grade...
Perceptions of competencies needed for a selected upholstered furniture occupation 1975 329 The purposes of this study were to: (1) determine the competencies which individuals employed as sewers in the manufacture of upholstered furniture in North Carolina perceived as necessary for their occupation; (2) determine the competencies which su...
Home economics teachers' knowledge and attitudes toward the integration of special needs students in the classroom 1985 229 The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and attitudes of secondary home economics teachers in North Carolina toward the integration of special needs students in home economics programs. Teachers selected for the study were home econo...
Perceived needs of senior high school students concerning adult roles and responsibilities in Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools : Charlotte, North Carolina 1985 205 The purpose of this study was to determine the perceived needs of high school students concerning adult roles and responsibilities as a basis for curriculum planning. A stratified cluster sample consisting of students from grades 10, 11, and 12, and ...
A study of problems recognized by vocational home economics teachers 1966 183 The primary purpose of this study was to identify problems recognized by North Carolina secondary vocational home economics teachers. The study was designed to determine problems in general, problems that persist regardless of the amount of experienc...
Factors related to the election or non-election of Home Economics at Page High School, Greensboro, North Carolina 1967 200 The purposes of this study were as follows: (1) to identify some of the factors that related to the election or nonelection of home economics by tenth and eleventh grade girls at Page High School, Greensboro, North Carolina, and (2) to compare the fa...
The relationship of selected factors to teacher morale among teachers in Burke County, North Carolina 1974 227 The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of selected factors to teacher morale. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant relationships among teachers' morale scores and school, age, sex, marital status, level of educa...
Adequacy of preparation in undergraduate home economics education from 1958-1967 at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro 1968 313 The primary purposes of this study were: (1) to identify the positions home economics education graduates have assumed since graduation and (2) survey the opinions of graduates concerning the adequacy of general and professional preparation for teach...
Attitudes of cooperating teachers toward their role in the teacher education program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro 1969 297 The primary purposes of this study were to: (1) survey the attitudes of secondary school cooperating teachers' attitudes toward selected concepts and practices relating to their role in the teacher education program at the University of North Carolin...
Activities, interests, and needs of junior high school students in North Carolina with implications for home economics curriculum development 1969 361 The primary purpose of this study was to survey, identify, and compare the activities, interests, and needs of junior high school students that could have implications for home economics on the junior high school level. A questionnaire was developmen...
Development of materials on family planning and population education for use by Thai home economics extension workers 1975 294 The specific objectives of the study were to: (1) develop and translate into the Thai language materials for selected lessons on family planning and population education for use by home economics extension workers; (2) obtain information concerning t...
Nutrition knowledge of students enrolled in one North Carolina medical school 1975 172 The major purposes of this study were to: (1) measure the level of nutrition knowledge acquired by students enrolled in the Bowman Gray School of Medicine; (2) compare the levels of nutrition knowledge acquired by second-year Bowman Gray students wit...
Pilot study to determine estimated gain in income and expected net income gain of women employed in the home furnishings industry in Piedmont North Carolina 1973 222 The primary purpose of this study was to compare women's perceived income with actual monetary gain. The study was designed to determine the costs of employment and net income received, and to compare perceived income with actual net gain. An intervi...
Characteristics and attitudes of freshman home economics students at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro 1973 227 The primary purpose of this study was to gain insight into the nature of the freshman class enrolled In the School of Home Economics at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1972-73. The specific objectives of the study were to: (1) identif...
Preference for furniture style as related to personality type and other selected variables 1978 490 The major purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between one's personality and his preference for furniture style. Also investigated were the style of furniture presently in the home as related to style preference and level of satisf...
Food habits and food purchasing practices of low-income families 1973 409 The major purposes of this study were: 1) to determine food purchasing practices of low-income families before and after participation by the mother in an educational program, and 2) to compare food habits of children from low-income families whose m...
Teaching problems encountered by Negro and Caucasian home economics teachers in integrated situations 1970 250 The primary purpose of this study was to identify problems encountered by Negro and Caucasian home economics teachers in integrated situations. The study was designed to identify problems encountered by Negro teachers of Caucasian students, problems ...