Fisk, McKee


There are 6 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Principles of cooperative work experience applicable to clerical education 1943 409 Cooperative work experience, as a formal educational procedure, is a relatively recent innovation. In limited areas, work experience has had a long career. Its basis is the centuries old apprenticeship system, and its beginning was in schools teachin...
The relation between certain phases of reading ability and speed and accuracy in typewriting 1944 350 The best interests of the individual, as well as of society, require selection of desirable candidates for occupational training for specialized work at various job and educational levels.1 The above quotation is a statement of one of the principles ...
A summary of comparable data found in twenty-three selected master's theses reporting follow-up studies of high schools 1944 273 Many schools have endeavored to evaluate their curricula through the use of follow-up studies. This type of research has received considerable attention as a recognized method of determining the success of the school. As pointed out in a bulletin, "T...
Patterns of the business education curricula of the member institutions of business teacher-training institutions 1944 394 The growth of American colleges and universities has been marked by a lack of unity. Each college and university has manifested its individualism in organization, administration and curricula. Concerning the growth of the American teachers college, o...
Standards of mailability of the intra-company correspondence of eight life insurance offices 1944 512 One of the most generally agreed upon objectives of vocational business education is that of preparing students to meet the demands of business. Awareness of this responsibility of vocational business education has been voiced frequently. Frederick G...
A study of the relationship between typewriting achievement and scores obtained on the Downey group will-temperament test 1945 337 It has been observed by teachers of beginning typewriting that pupils who achieve distinction in academic subjects do not always excel in typewriting, even when they put forth their best efforts. This often constitutes a real problem to the individua...