Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Inspiration or defeat: the motivational and evaluative impact of social comparison on dysphoric individuals |
2013 |
1115 |
People compare themselves to others in order to evaluate their abilities and opinions, yet the literature is mixed on how these social comparisons impact people's emotions, self-evaluation, and motivation. There were two primary aims of the present s... |
The effect of neuroticism on symptom report: a signal-detection model |
2014 |
1237 |
Self-report is a crucial part of psychological assessment, but the reliability and validity of self-report measures can be threatened by individual differences in item interpretation and response. Individuals higher in trait neuroticism were hypothes... |
Familial, academic, and interpersonal predictors of attributional style in Latino youth |
2014 |
1508 |
Objective: This study examined associations between family and school factors, attributional style and depressive symptoms in Latino adolescents. Familism and school social support were examined as moderators of the associations between parent-adoles... |
Rumination and inhibitory difficulties: exploring the role of state rumination with emotionally self-relevant words |
2014 |
2088 |
The aim of this project was to examine the roles of working memory capacity, depressive symptoms, and rumination (state and trait) in inhibitory difficulties with self-relevant emotional words following a rumination/distraction manipulation using the... |
Individual differences in perfectionism predicting effort |
2015 |
834 |
The current study investigated whether individual differences in perfectionism predicted changes in effort across two tasks. Effort is conceptualized as motivational intensity and is measured by autonomic reactivity (Gendolla & Wright, 2009). Past re... |
Social anxiety, attention control, and performance deficits |
2011 |
2753 |
Theory and research link social anxiety with negative self-focused attention (i.e., heightened preoccupation with negative thoughts, observer-perspective images, and somatic responses). Negative self-focused attention, in turn, is associated with per... |
The relationship between goal characteristics and emotional well-being |
2014 |
1129 |
Emotional well-being can be affected by the type of goals people have, how they view their goals, and their progress toward those goals. This paper proposed that characteristics of the cognitive representations of people’s personal goals, such as hav... |
A motivational perspective on caregiver psychological distress |
2016 |
1155 |
For many people, providing care for a seriously ill family member is a major life event that may disrupt their life and personal goals. Research has demonstrated the experience of such events is often associated with increased symptoms of depression,... |
Interpersonal perfectionism, attributions, expectations, and social disconnection in daily life: an extension of the social disconnection model |
2019 |
471 |
There is extensive research supporting the social disconnection model, which is a model linking interpersonal perfectionism (i.e., perceiving others have excessively high standards for oneself) with suicidal behavior through subjective or objective s... |
Examining self-relevance as a factor in the attentional bias in induced dysphoria using self-generated pictures |
2011 |
1583 |
The proposed study investigated an attentional bias in experimentally-induced dysphoria using self-relevant pictures in a dot probe study design. Participants generated their own photographs, using digital cameras to capture stimuli that are self-rel... |
Individual differences in response to goal conflict: impact of causality orientations on goal progress and emotional well-being during goal conflict |
2017 |
1106 |
Goal progress and attainment of important personal goals is related to higher well-being. Obstacles in goal progress, such as holding multiple, conflicting goals, can lead to a negative change in well-being. However, most goal research has focused on... |
Emotion differentiation, depression, and emotion regulation: a daily diary study |
2018 |
807 |
Labelling negative emotion experiences in a discrete way (i.e., negative emotion differentiation, or NED) has been found to be associated with lower incidence of several forms of psychopathology, including major depressive disorder. However, little i... |
Depression and goal disengagement: the mediating role of goal attainability perceptions |
2020 |
372 |
Research has found that individuals with depression have a tendency to pull away from their goals prematurely (i.e., disengagement). However, the nature of this relationship is unclear, and there is limited research on the mechanisms linking these co... |
Negative emotion differentiation and related processes : a qualitative approach |
2022 |
253 |
Negative emotion differentiation (i.e., the tendency to label one’s own negative affective experiences in a discrete way rather than having only a vague sense of feeling “bad”) has been found to be associated with fewer symptoms of various types of p... |
Social Functioning in Anhedonics: A Daily Diary Study |
2018 |
630 |
Anhedonia is a symptom of both schizophrenia and depression and is a term to describe the loss of pleasure in once enjoyable activities, such as social interaction or playing a sport. In this study we examined how social anhedonia relates not only to... |
Wanting and liking: the effects of depressive symptoms and anhedonia on hedonic responses to a laboratory task and in everyday life |
2019 |
301 |
Few studies have examined the presence or impact of anhedonia in the hedonic experiences of daily life in people with depression, with the majority of studies on anhedonia and depression being single time-point questionnaire studies or laboratory-bas... |
Measuring mental illness identity |
2023 |
218 |
Despite the potential impact of mental illness on identity, there is a dearth of research examining the concept of illness identity in individuals with mental health concerns. Dimensions of illness identity that have been identified in populations wi... |
Traditional vs. self-compassionate expressive writing: differentiating processes through linguistic analysis |
2019 |
574 |
Expressive writing (EW) is an experimental paradigm developed by Pennebaker and colleagues (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986). In traditional EW tasks, participants are asked to disclose their deepest thoughts and emotions concerning the most traumatic or st... |
The benefits of giving up : clarifying how inabilities to disengage relate to depression |
2023 |
136 |
Adaptive goal adjustment is an important component of well-being. Maladaptive goal adjustment has been associated with depression, particularly inabilities to disengage in the face of unattainable goals. Research has not fully clarified how inabiliti... |