Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Is an understanding of moral obligation associated with the moral virtue gratitude? |
2016 |
1026 |
The purpose of the current study was to examine gratitude as a virtue, defined by a benefactor freely giving some kind of benefit to a beneficiary who recognizes the boon, and then freely and intentionally chooses to reciprocate based on the wishes o... |
Children’s expressions of gratitude and their relations with parental values and parenting: insights from China and the United States |
2017 |
1761 |
Gratitude, referring to a dispositional trait to appropriately show gratefulness to a benefactor for a gift or help received (Tudge, Freitas, & O’Brien, 2015), has been viewed as a moral virtue by philosophers and psychologists (e.g., Carr, Morgan, &... |
Parents’ values and children’s gratitude expression in African American families |
2018 |
583 |
Guided by Ogbu’s and Tudge’s cultural-ecological frameworks, I explored Black parents’ values for their children and parents’ perceptions of their children’s expression of gratitude. The sample consisted of 15 Black parents (14 mothers, 1 father) of ... |
Korean parents' disciplinary practices and socioeconomic status : an investigation based on disciplinary domains and language functions |
2006 |
7180 |
"The purpose of the study was to examine the culture-specific parenting processes in terms of socioeconomic status using Bronfenbrenner's PPCT model. Kohn's theory of parental values and Bernstein's sociolinguistic theory were applied to deepen the ... |
Children’s expressions of gratitude and their association with cultural values among Brazilians, Brazilians in the U. S., and U.S. ethnic groups |
2017 |
1236 |
Gratitude has mostly been studied as a positive emotion, although scholars have suggested that this conceptualization is confounded with appreciation. In contrast, I define gratitude as a moral virtue; it occurs when one person receives a freely give... |
Kindergartners who become friends : classroom influences on interactions and patterns of stability and change |
1995 |
220 |
This research was a year-long longitudinal study examining the friend making activity of kindergarten children. The subjects were a diverse sample of 38 children, attending two kindergarten classes in a suburban public school in North Carolina. The s... |
A grateful heart: parents’ reflections on gratitude and its development in their children. |
2019 |
593 |
Too much focus has been placed on positive psychology’s view of gratitude, which is broad in scope but operationalized often merely as a positive emotion. I argue that gratitude should be defined as a virtue, as it has been conceptualized by a multit... |
The co-construction of social development : a longitudinal study of the relations among social class, parenting, and children's activities |
1996 |
198 |
The aim of this study was to examine the processes by which children develop social competence in different cultural contexts. Two cultural communities in the US, one middle-class and one working-class, were studied. A total of 20 target children (11... |
Culture and preschoolers' activities : the United States and Korea |
1994 |
286 |
The purpose of this study was to explore the variation in children's daily activities both within and across the US and Korea. For this purpose, observations were made of the types of activities available for young children, the extent of children's ... |
Everyday lessons of North American preschoolers : social class as cultural community |
1995 |
349 |
Twenty children (11 middle and 9 working class) aged 28 to 48 months residing in one city were observed for twenty hours each over 6-7 days. Observations were unobtrusive and naturalistic. Coding focused on the activities going on around the children... |
Religiosity, moral obligation, and the moral virtue of gratitude |
2019 |
505 |
The purpose of the current study was to examine relations among religiosity, moral obligation, and gratitude. Gratitude was conceptualized as a virtue and operationalized as connective gratitude; connective gratitude occurs when a benefactor freely g... |
Laying the foundation for protective digital parenting : the development of a theoretical framework, a validated measure of digital parenting attitudes, and a person-centered analysis of digital parenting styles |
2022 |
1321 |
Over the past thirty years, the advent and proliferation of digital and social technologies has expanded the contexts in which children and families play, learn, communicate, and grow. Although burgeoning, developmental and family science research ex... |