Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
The Relationship between Religion, Social Interest, and Wellness in Adults |
2008 |
4162 |
The primary purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between religion, social interest, and wellness in adults. A stratified random sample was taken of faculty, staff, and students at a university with 125 individuals participating in the... |
The relationship among career aspiration, multiple role planning attitudes, and wellness in African-American and Caucasian undergraduate women |
2005 |
10132 |
" In 2002, 60 percent of both Caucasian and African-American women were active in the workforce (USDOL, 2004b), however, it is surprising to discover that overall women only earn three-fourths of men's earnings (USDOL, 1999). Despite unprecedented av... |
Retirement modeling [electronic resource] : an exploration of the effects of retirement role model characteristics on retirement self-efficacy and life satisfaction in midlife workers |
2005 |
8302 |
" The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among retirement role model characteristics, retirement self-efficacy, and current life satisfaction in midlife workers. Most of the literature related to retirement planning and to counsel... |
Alternate forms of adjustment in adult women survivors of CSA: the relationship between wellness, resilience, and post-traumatic growth |
2012 |
242 |
Women disproportionately experience victimization as children, with at least one in five women reporting a history of child sexual abuse. The short and long term effects, both physical and emotional, are significant, negative, and pervasive, making C... |
EcoWellness: construction & validation of the Reese EcoWellness inventory |
2013 |
5539 |
Multidisciplinary scholars have argued the importance of nature in human health for the past several decades (Kellert & Wilson, 1993; Roszak, 1992), and numerous researchers have identified the positive effects of nature on human wellness (Brymer, Cu... |
The relationships between multicultural counseling competence, cultural immersion, & cognitive/emotional developmental styles: implications for multicultural counseling training |
2013 |
5991 |
When counselors acquire (a) awareness of one's own enculturation and related biases, (b) knowledge of the worldviews and values of minority populations, and (c) skills for appropriate interventions, they are said to possess the multicultural counseli... |
Mortality salience and worldview defense: the effect of death awareness and self-esteem on multicultural counseling competence |
2009 |
4473 |
The purpose of this study, based on Terror Management Theory (TMT; Solomon et al., 1991) and Multicultural Counseling Competency literature, was to investigate a) how increased death awareness affects counselors' self evaluations of their MCCs, b) ho... |
The relationship between wellness, emotion regulation, and relapse in adult outpatient substance abuse clients |
2012 |
9226 |
Relapse prevention is a critical factor in recovery from substance abuse problems (NIDA, 2009). Treatment has been shown to influence positive recovery trajectories, yet relapse is a considerable complication both during and after treatment (Doweiko,... |
The relationship between counselor training and multicultural competence |
1996 |
412 |
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which professional counselors' perceive themselves to be multiculturally competent and to determine what factors comprise the multicultural competencies developed by the Association for Multicu... |
The relationship of wellness factors to work performance and job satisfaction among managers |
1996 |
320 |
The purpose of this study was (a) to assess whether components of holistic wellness were more predictive than physical wellness variables in predicting work performance and job satisfaction in managers, and (b) to assess the utility of components of ... |
The development of school counselor identity |
1996 |
271 |
The purpose of this study was to propose a grounded theory that contributes to understanding school counselors' professional identity development. The study explored school counselors' professional interactions as defining experiences in their identi... |
Cultural values and wellness of Native American high school students |
1996 |
305 |
Research has suggested that cultural conflicts and the process of acculturation contribute to feelings of boredom, anxiety, depression, isolation, stress, self-doubt, alienation, and rejection in Native American students. These factors also have a ne... |
Parental alcoholism and coping : a comparison of female children of alcoholics with female children of non-alcoholics |
1993 |
957 |
The purpose of this research was; 1. to assess differences in level of depression between female children of alcoholics (COAs) and female children of non-alcoholics, 2. to assess potential differences in choice of coping strategies between COAs and c... |