Lange, Garrett


There are 18 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Children's learning and memorization experiences at home and at school : a survey of parents, teachers, and children 1983 337 The schooling hypothesis equates children's cognitive development during the elementary school years with the acquisition of internally directed, self-monitored, and strategic cognitive behavior. This age-related transition to the use of deliberate a...
Children's perceptions of ability, effort, and gender as determinants of success and failure in social relationships and academic situations 1984 165 The present study was designed to examine the extent to which children of different ages perceive inherent ability, effort expended on the task, and gender as causal factors influencing success and failure in social relationships and academic task pe...
The comparability of masculine and feminine gender schemas for male and female college students 1984 184 The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological gender equivalence of biological males and females in sex-type groups. The question was investigated by surveying 300 students at a small, private, liberal arts college in the Piedmont a...
An assessment of shiftwork effects on job/family management and role strain in dual-earner couples 1986 180 The purpose of this research was to investigate relationships between different shiftwork combinations of individuals in dual-earner dyads and their perceptions of family management strain and family role strain. A secondary purpose was to examine t...
Comprehension monitoring skills of reading-disabled/learning-disabled students and normally-achieving students 1991 204 The primary purpose of the present study was to examine the use of comprehension monitoring skills of fifth- and seventh-grade reading-disabled/learning-disabled and normally-achieving children under different levels of reading difficulty. A reading ...
The stability of narrative and paradigmatic framing of mother-child communication within and across tasks 1995 159 The purpose of this study was to examine three assumptions of Nelson's (1993) theoretical perspective concerning relationships between narrative and paradigmatic mother-child communication and children's cognitive development. These assumptions were:...
Effect of explicitness of task presentation and response format on cognitive role-taking in children ages four, six, and eight years 1976 423 The purpose of the present study was to assess the relation between cognitive role-taking ability and three independent variables: 1) age, 2) the explicitness with which the cognitive perspectives were differentiated in the presentation of the task, ...
Verbal self-regulation of behavior by children with internal and external locus of control 1975 1082 There was reason to suspect that individual differences in a child's tendency to employ symbolic mediation are predictable on the basis of his/her locus of control status. That is, children who possessed an internal locus of control are those most li...
A comparative investigation of young children's recall memory proficiency in naturalistic and laboratory settings 1986 197 The present study was designed to compare young children's recall-memory proficiency in naturalistic settings of the home and preschool classroom with their performance in the laboratory setting. The study also focused on the reliability of children'...
A developmental study of the role of category information in word identification 1986 193 The studies reported here were generated out of the hypothesis that category information about a word is initially activated prior to identification of the word. Three experiments investigated the role of category information in word identification b...
Home environment, metamemory, motivation, and memory performance in young school children 1993 141 This study examined a theoretical model of the relationships among qualities of young school-age children's home environments, children's memory knowledge and mastery-motivation, and children's proficiency in performing cognitive tasks. Seventy-eight...
Sorting-recall behaviors exhibited by reflective and impulsive children : an individual differences investigation of developmental memory 1975 1109 The present study examined individual differences exhibited by reflective and impulsive school-age children, at each of two grade levels, with regard to their efficiency in constructing organizational schemes during a pre-recall sorting period, and t...
A developmental examination of the modeling of aggression and altruism 1976 330 The present investigation examined the relative influence of three distinct model types, i.e., aggressive, altruistic and a model who displays both aggression and altruism, to elicit specific behaviors from children of two ages and both sexes. Sixty-...
The effects of focused videotape feedback on family communication patterns displayed in problem-solving tasks 1975 463 It was the purpose of this study to investigate the effects of videotape feedback for normal families in facilitating a more equalitarian pattern of verbal interaction and better group and individual score performance when engaged in a problem-solvin...
Children's reported investment of mental effort when viewing child and adult television programs 1988 179 The present study was designed to examine developmental differences in children's active, conscious cognitive processing of television program information during home viewing. Specifically, the study focused on examining (1) relationships among child...
Predicting social-skill proficiency in young children from adult ratings of children's instrumental competence 1989 260 One purpose of the present investigation was to examine the measurement properties (i.e., factor structure and reliability) of the COMPSCALE instrument designed by Lange, MacKinnon, and Nida (in press). In view of Lange et al.'s attempt to design ite...
Influences on the early development of general health knowledge in young children 1992 286 This study examined the interrelationships and and contributions of selected child characteristics and family and school variables to the early development of health knowledge among four-year-old children. It was expected that (1) both a child's gene...
The effect of age, reading ability, and representational mode on recognition memory performance 1976 201 One hundred, forty-four subjects, 48 at each of grades kindergarten, third, and sixth (with equal representation of boys and girls), were presented with either 30 auditory (A) or 30 visual (V) items for the purpose of a subsequent recognition memory ...