Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Standardized tests : irregularities in the administering of tests affect test results |
1989 |
239 |
This study sought to determine whether irregularities exist in the administering of standardized tests. It was hypothesized that irregularities do exist: inaccurate timing, altering answer sheets, coaching, teaching the tests, errors in scoring/repor... |
College career planning and employment professionals : a profile and comparison of their personality type with their demographic profile and with their professional orientation |
1990 |
287 |
The purpose of this research was: to determine whether a consistent profile exists among Career Planning and Employment (CPE) professionals in terms of demographic data, professional orientation and Myers-Briggs Type; to examine whether there were si... |
An analysis of the planning process used in a regional approach to establish secondary-postsecondary articulation in vocational education |
1990 |
234 |
The purpose of this paper was to describe and analyze the planning process for a regional cooperative program in vocational education, involving six public school systems and two community colleges. These agencies were assisted by a regional council ... |
Physical fitness and the effectiveness of high school principals as perceived by superintendents |
1990 |
201 |
The purpose of this research was to determine effort of physical fitness on the leadership effectiveness of high school principals. Two hundred seventeen high school principals were surveyed to find out their level of physical fitness, with 123 respo... |
Classroom climate and teacher questioning strategies : relationship to student cognitive development |
1990 |
282 |
The purpose of this research was to determine if classroom climate and teacher questioning strategies have an influence on level of student cognitive development. The three null hypotheses stated that no statistically significant differences existed ... |
The interactive processes of leader vision alignment and team functioning in a temporary employment corporation |
1991 |
313 |
The influence of a leader on his followers is a critical function of leadership. This influence is assuming paramount importance as the trend in the American work ethic moves toward a concept of team development in organizations. The integration of l... |
Leadership types and second-order change |
1991 |
199 |
The purpose of this study was two fold. The first segment of research was to determine the degree to which school superintendents in the state of North Carolina had successfully implemented second-order changes (defined as a restructuring or change o... |
The impact of race, gender and other selected variables on the participation of college and university faculty in professional associations |
1991 |
225 |
The purpose of this research was to: (1) identify factors which affect the decisions of higher education social science faculty to affiliate or not to affiliate with professional organizations; (2) identify the efforts of selected professional organi... |
The integration of acquisitions and mergers : an interpretive inquiry |
1991 |
449 |
The reverberations of acquisitions and mergers affect millions of people directly and indirectly annually. Managers are cited as the most highly impacted group. The resulting change is multilayered and interactive. The work environment and the organi... |
Parent involvement with at-risk students : a case study |
1991 |
333 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a parent involvement program, known as The Take-Home Computer Program (THC), on the reading achievement of Chapter I students. It also assessed parents', students', and teachers' perceptions ... |
North Carolina Basic Education Program : design versus implementation |
1991 |
188 |
The Basic Education Program was authorized in 1984, and implementation began in 1985. Incremental increases were planned annually, and full implementation was expected to be achieved during the 1992-93 school year. The purpose of this study was to de... |
Moral perspectives of women administrators of student services in higher education : an exploration of Gilligan's theory |
1991 |
271 |
This study explores the moral perspectives which senior-level female administrators bring to the administration of student services in private four-year colleges. Gilligan's theory of moral development (1977, 1982) which posits at least two perspecti... |
North Carolina's alternative programs for disruptive youth : analysis and recommendations |
1992 |
193 |
This study examined the existing alternative programs for disruptive youth in the public schools in North Carolina. The study was based upon information gathered from the literature on alternative education for disruptive youth and examination of dat... |
Organizational culture and international education : case studies at selected institutions |
1992 |
303 |
The purpose of this study was to examine, describe, and explain the relationship between a school's organizational culture and the development of international education programs on that campus. In addition, the study compared the development of thes... |
The lessons of experience of successful school principals : how successful principals develop leadership skills on the job |
1992 |
275 |
The purpose of this research was to determine the career experiences that help successful principals develop leadership skills. Eight regional winners of the Wachovia Principal of the Year Program for 1990 were interviewed to find out what experience... |
A study of selected campus groups' ratings of national standards as components of current mission, future mission, and performance of housing and residential life programs in small private colleges |
1992 |
243 |
The purposes of this study were (a) to investigate the extent to which faculty, administrators, trustees, students, and student affairs professionals rated the CAS Standards as important components of the current and future mission of the housing and... |
Responsiveness of selected community colleges to work-force preparedness education and training |
1992 |
214 |
Postsecondary institutions, businesses, and industries are being required to give more attention to the education of the work force. The community college can assist in addressing the education and training needs of the changing American economy. The... |
Parent and teacher perceptions of discipline problems and solutions in small, urban, western Piedmont North Carolina high schools |
1993 |
489 |
This study investigated the extent of discipline problems in small, urban, Western Piedmont North Carolina high schools as perceived by teachers and parents of high school students. It examined and compared teacher and parent responses to the severit... |
The tests of general educational development as predictors of student performance in five programs at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College for the years 1982-1988 |
1989 |
222 |
The Tests of General Educational Development (GED) provide adults who did not graduate from high school with opportunities to attend and graduate from postsecondary institutions. This study investigated the academic achievement of GED recipients as d... |
A study of selected group's perceptions of mission and mission effectiveness at a community college |
1989 |
215 |
The purpose of this study was to determine how the internal group (faculty and administration) and the external group (industry representatives, public school personnel, and county commissioners) compared in their perceptions of TriCounty Community C... |
Introduction of cooperative learning in one rural elementary school by the school psychologist |
1992 |
232 |
The purpose of this research was to increase understanding of the change processes involved when a school psychologist introduces the instructional program of cooperative learning to a rural elementary school. Three cooperative learning exercises wer... |
Community college educational technology : its control, allocation, purchase and utilization in relation to the decision-making process |
1992 |
250 |
The purpose of this case study was to investigate the decision making process employed by one community college in the area of educational technology acquisitions. The study was designed to delineate the use of particular decision-making processes an... |
Year round education : implementing the first two years in the elementary grades |
1993 |
290 |
The purpose of this qualitative/quantitative study was to examine the first two years of the implementation of a year-round education program in the elementary schools of the Mooresville Graded School District in Mooresville, North Carolina. Multiple... |
Personality features associated with junior and senior recreation majors at selected private colleges in the southeastern United States |
1993 |
190 |
The purposes of this study were to identify personality features of recreation majors at selected private colleges in the southeastern United States and to contrast the current results with similar research conducted between 1966 and 1975. The person... |
The role of selected administrative units in the recruitment, training and supervision of graduate teaching assistants on the campuses of the University of North Carolina |
1992 |
209 |
A survey of deans, department heads and academic vice chancellors throughout the North Carolina University System asked for factual information and opinions about the recruitment, training and supervision of graduate teaching assistants. Correlations... |
An exploratory study of a leadership style and communication style measure for a sample of men and women elementary school principals in North Carolina |
1996 |
411 |
The purpose of this study was to: 1) conduct exploratory psychometric and statistical analyses of self rating measures of leadership (LEAD-Self) and communicator style (CSM) using a sample of male and female elementary school principals (N=251) and 2... |
UNCG educational administration doctoral graduates : a study of the factors affecting the women educational administrative candidates' career progress as compared to their male educational administrative cohorts |
1991 |
258 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether factors which have affected progress in the career development of the educational administrative doctoral graduates influenced males and females differently. The research questions which were addre... |