Cashwell, Craig


There are 30 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Multi/Cross-cultural Competence: Integrating Universal and Particular Perspectives 2007 7499 Multi/cross cultural competence is a core value of the counseling profession (ACA, 2005; ACES; 1972; AMHCA, 2000; ASCA, 2004; CACREP; 2001; NBCC, 2005). Although various theoretical approaches have been developed to describe multi/cross-cultural comp...
A Leader-Member Exchange Approach to Understanding School Counselors' Roles, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions 2008 7127 The services and interventions that school counselors provide, how they spend their time, and the focus and scope of the programs that they implement contribute to how school counselors' roles are defined. School counselors have struggled to define t...
An examination of the necessary knowledge and skills for juvenile court counselors to intervene with alcohol and other drug abusing juvenile offenders 2006 3057 "Juvenile crime and adolescent substance abuse often are co-occurring social problems. Researchers have demonstrated the relationship of one to the other and how continued involvement in substance abuse is positively correlated with continued involve...
An Investigation of Attitudes Towards Adults with Mental Illness Among Mental Health Professionals In-training, Non Mental Health Professionals In-training, Mental Health Professionals, and Non Mental Health Professionals 2008 10351 Stigma towards adults with mental illness is both a longstanding and widespread phenomenon. Unfortunately, stigma towards adults with mental illness originates not only from the general population, but also from mental health professionals. There rem...
An examination of athletic identity, sport commitment, time in sport, social support, life satisfaction, and holistic wellness in college student-athletes 2007 4651 "When addressing the unique challenges faced by college student-athletes, counselors should take a holistic approach, with attention given to the potential benefits of sport, rather than working only from a deficit model. This study examines the rela...
The effects of spirituality on anxiety and depression among breast cancer patients: the moderating effects of alexithymia and mindfulness 2009 6588 Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer among women in the United States. In fact, the American Cancer Society estimated that over 180,000 new breast cancer cases would be diagnosed in 2008 (American Cancer Society, 2007). The diag...
Mindfulness and counseling self-efficacy : the mediating role of attention and empathy 2007 9510 "The number of counseling positions in the United States is expected to grow at least 27% by the year 2014. Counselor educators are ethically charged with ensuring that these new counselors are well-prepared to handle the challenges of the profession...
Perceived stress, adult attachment, dyadic coping and marital satisfaction of counseling graduate students 2009 11021 Participation in a graduate program introduces a number of both acute stressors (e.g., specific milestones such as comprehensive exams and dissertation proposals) and chronic stressors (e.g., rigorous workload, work-life balance) that have the potent...
Moral commitment in intimate committed relationships: a conceptualization from cohabiting same-sex and opposite-sex partners 2010 4524 Diverse types of intimate committed relationships, namely cohabiting same-sex and opposite-sex partnerships, are increasingly prevalent in the United States (Bumpass & Lu, 2000; Garber, 2005; U.S. Census Bureau, 2000). Given the rise in the number of...
Mindfulness and quality of life among breast cancer survivors: the mediating role of self-kindness and alexithymia 2011 5092 Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer for women. The American Cancer Society estimated that approximately 192,000 women were diagnosed with new cases of breast cancer in 2009. Fortunately, the current five-year survival rate for early st...
Quality of life and sleep quality of long-term survivors of cytoreductive surgery plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy 2010 2877 Advancements in medical technology coupled with a more thorough comprehension of oncologic diseases has resulted in a burgeoning number of aggressive treatment options available to cancer patients and a gradual loosening of the association between ca...
The development and validation of the leadership versatility index for students (LVI-S) 2011 5422 Directed by Dr. James M. Benshoff and Dr. Craig S. Cashwell pp. 350 According to Bass' (1990) summary of fifty years of research and nearly thirty dichotomy-based theories, leaders influence people through autocratic use of...
Social interest and social bonding: understanding collegiate hazardous drinking and marijuana use 2012 4768 The purpose of the current study was to examine both social interest and social bonding in relation to collegiate hazardous drinking and marijuana use. Social interest is a component of Adler's Individual Psychology and refers to one's interest in th...
Crisis in the schools : crisis, crisis intervention training, and school counselor burnout 2006 9393 "In the course of a school year, schools may face a number of crisis situations, including suicidality, child abuse and neglect, violence, and natural disasters that may impact individual students or create school-wide crises (Collins & Collins, 200...
Anxiety and counseling self-efficacy among counseling students: the moderating role of mindfulness and alexithymia 2009 6473 This study explored the relationship between anxiety and counseling self-efficacy and the moderating effects of mindfulness and alexithymia. One hundred and fifty two pre-internship counseling trainees from CACREP programs across the country were sur...
Mindful awareness and compassion, and empathy and anxiety in counselor trainees 2012 6700 This study explored the relationships between two aspect of mindfulness, awareness and compassion, and empathy and anxiety in counselor trainees. Empathy and anxiety are two training variables that have strong associations with counseling performance...
International immersion: an exploratory study of critical factors, sustained impact and counselor development 2011 2812 The number of ethnic and racial minorities in the United States has been increasing exponentially in recent years (Cordero & Rodriguez, 2009; Leong & Blustein, 2000). Due to the growing percentages of minority populations, greater attention has been ...
Coping with catastrophe: emotion regulation, adult attachment security, and mindfulness as predictors of posttraumatic stress among mental health disaster responders 2014 3022 A growing body of research on the traumatic impact of disaster (e.g., Norris, Friedman, & Watson, 2002b; Norris et al., 2002a) has led to escalating demand for mental health disaster responders (MHDRs), mental health professionals who help provide em...
Touchstones of connection: a concept mapping study of therapist factors that contribute to relational depth 2015 3525 It is well established that the therapeutic relationship is an important factor in the success of counseling (Lambert & Barley, 2001; Norcross & Wampold, 2011; Orlinsky, Rønnestad, & Willutzki, 2004). Furthermore, researchers (Price, 2012; Wiggins, 2...
Investigating the relationships among breathing, attachment, and emotion-regulation 2014 4414 The escalating prevalence of psychological distress among young adults is a systemic issue with a generational impact as evidenced by patterns of insecure attachment, maladaptive self-regulation, and, accordingly, mental health problems (Stallard, No...
A twisting of the sacred: the lived experience of religious abuse 2017 4671 Multiple counseling organizations, including the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP, 2016), the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics (2014), and the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and...
Individuals in same-gender couples’ experiences of outness in adult romantic relationships: the impact of the “closet” on connection 2017 1625 By virtue of living in an inherently heterosexist/heteronormative and cisgenderist/cisnormative society (Bornstein, 1998; Infanti, 2016; Rich, 1980), lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or queer (LGBTQ) individuals must deal with outness, the disclosure o...
Trauma-sensitive yoga: a collective case study of the trauma recovery of women impacted by Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) 2016 5848 Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is defined as a pattern of abusive and controlling behaviors that an individual perpetuates physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, economically, and/or sexually against his or her intimate partner (Worl...
Counseling refugees: examining mental health professionals’ learning experiences and recommendations for effective training 2019 864 Refugees experience a variety of complex mental health, trauma, and wellness concerns (Bhugra & Gupta, 2011; Kirmeyer et al., 2011) and often do not have access to mental health services. The underutilization of mental health services by refugees and...
Exploring the effects of personal counseling on the development of counselors in training 2020 728 Graduate students from all disciplines report stressful experiences related to academic workload, lack of a healthy work life balance, assistantship responsibilities, and finances (Fox, 2008; Mazzola et al., 2011; Oswalt & Riddock, 2007; Wyatt & Oswa...
Attachment anxiety and avoidance and counseling self-efficacy among counseling students: examining the moderating role of mindfulness 2018 906 Professional counselors have the task of helping individuals cope with a vast range of mental health and developmental issues. In 2015, approximately 43 million Americans over the age of 18 had experienced a mental health issue within the past year (...
Exploring the effectiveness of dialogical relationship e-learning modules with individuals of low SES 2020 437 Aliveness is the experience of living fully engaged within the world from a relational stance of our Thou (I-Thou). Martin Buber (1958) spoke of aliveness as the experience of being completely present. Buber inferred that when we are present, we are ...
Work-it circuit: improving health, fitness, and self-efficacy through a worksite exercise program 2020 377 The majority of US adults fall short of the physical activity recommendations. The most common barriers to starting and maintaining an exercise program are a lack of time, social support, convenience, self-efficacy, and intrinsic motivation. The purp...
What then shall we say to these things? an investigation of African American pastors' response to mental health needs in the Black church and their influence on African American help-seeking behaviors and coping strategies 2013 3454 African Americans are often disproportionately represented in vulnerable populations that could likely cause them to be at a greater risk for struggling with anxiety and depression (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001), however, they t...
How identity develops: using attachment, differentiation, mood, communication, and personal narrative to predict identity status among emerging adults 2013 6020 Identity has been acknowledged by scholars as an important part of human development for about 50 years (Erikson, 1968), and researchers have found empirical support for the importance of identity development. Much of the identity development researc...