Cassidy, Chris


There are 13 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Leptaxis and the constructed body: an exploration of poetic queer cyborg prosthesis. 2010 1197 This written portion of the M.F.A. thesis describes the both aesthetic experience of the artwork leptaxis and the critical intent, political perspective, and conceptual motivations behind the construction of the work. The artwork leptaxis...
Living in the orchard and being hungry 2012 1662 The written portion of my thesis explores the personal ideas, historical background, and creative context for a body of abstract paintings created for my MFA thesis exhibition at the Weatherspoon Art Museum. This body of work comes from an investigat...
Big quiet 2016 945 This thesis is about the radical transformation of my art practice. From printmaking, to painting, to social practice and sound, I’m slowly but surely finding my way. The way is long and never-ending, and I’m by no means racing to get to the destinat...
Unconditional response: a story inspired by an actual thesis 2018 418 I’m currently thinking about the institutional factors that my work and my experiences may resist. Academia uses the thesis as an archival method of collecting data from its graduate students. The thesis is used by the graduate committee to enforce t...
Journey through 2013 975 This paper explores the underlying philosophy and creative context to the artworks Inbound, 5:30 going home, and Searching Box included in the MFA thesis exhibition at the Weatherspoon Art Museum, April through June 2013. My work explores concepts of...
A wild garden approach 2013 1428 Through sculpture, drawing, and performance, my work explores the material and conceptual specificities of space. This paper seeks to draw a thread through the primary interests of my artistic practice: process based sculptural work and the creative ...
Let's talk over coffee 2017 608 I am driven by generosity, both on the part of myself as well as participants in my work. My art is an extension of my life, in that I attempt to understand myself by creating situations in which I communicate and connect with other people. I am cons...
Confide with the moon 2022 170 Confide with The Moon is rooted in peace. I confide through the Moon with my father, who is in heaven. When I see this particular circle of light at night while I go walking or through the window, it gives peace and silence to the night and creates s...
Drawing the perceptual and experiential landscape 2011 1302 The purpose of this body of work is to communicate the personal experience of a place through perceptual drawing. The work is plein air, taking place in the woods surrounding Lake Brandt in Greensboro, NC, and on Fort Meade, MD. Formal decisions are ...
The thing is 2016 457 Since birth I have lived in a world occupied by trinkets, doo-dahs, thingies, collectibles, decorations, souvenirs, tokens, and tangible remnants of people and places. As an only child I spent a lot of time alone, left to my own imaginative devices. ...
Black Caribbean woman 2016 740 My thesis work, Black Caribbean Woman is about how I understand my race, culture and gender. Yes, the title seems direct but there are a lot of complexities and layers in this work. I been questioning and investigating of my cultural identity as a wo...
Environmental production 2020 246 As a single parent making the most of my time and materials is paramount in balancing my daily responsibilities with my art practice. My work at UNCG became less dependent on personal documentation, aiming towards inclusive, experiential pieces and m...
Eat your ear : the fallibility, futility, and fun of never knowing what your taste sounds like 2022 164 Eat Your Ear is a contemplation of gender, sex, and the body. Utilizing photography, video, sculptural assemblage, installation, and tediously handmade objects, it is an exploration of correctness, empowering exhibitionism, self-surveillance, and sur...