Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
The Dispositions in Action of Lateral Entry and Traditionally Certified Elementary Teachers in North Carolina. |
2008 |
2418 |
This case study examined the dispositions in action of alternatively certified (lateral entry) and traditionally certified elementary teachers in North Carolina and how those dispositions manifest in the classroom as revealed through teacher and admi... |
Teacher induction in North Carolina: relationships to retention |
2008 |
2857 |
Support for beginning teachers in North Carolina is mandated by the State Board of Education and supported through legislative mandates and. Teacher induction programs have been developed to help support and guide new teachers toward a successful car... |
Examining Student Responses to Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction in Nutrition Education |
2008 |
3977 |
The concept-oriented reading instruction (CORI) framework was designed to increase student reading motivation, strategy usage, and conceptual learning. Thus far, CORI has only been studied in regards to science education. This descriptive mixed metho... |
The application of the ABC's model in ESL teacher education : patterns and effects |
2005 |
5363 |
"In order to increase English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) teachers' cultural diversity awareness, this study applied Schmidt's ABC's (Autobiography, Biography, and Cross-cultural Comparison) Model to an ESL teacher education course and described the p... |
Putting induction into practice: a case study of how school context mediates induction policies and practices |
2009 |
2035 |
This study describes beginning teacher support and retention in four high schools in a large school district in North Carolina. State and district policies mandate that all beginning teachers receive multiple layers of mentor support, including distr... |
Listening for Learning in the Talk: An Ethnographic Story of the School Librarian as Broker in Collaborative Planning with Teachers |
2010 |
2684 |
Collaboration is widely promoted in school librarianship and education, yet little is known about the talk it entails. This intrinsic case study of eight planning meetings employed a discourse analysis and socio-cultural perspective to examine the sc... |
Multiple Case Studies of Literacy Practices Utilized by Intermediate Grade Teachers Which Enable African American Males to Become Literate Individuals---What's Going On? |
2010 |
8220 |
The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate ways in which six teachers in the intermediate grades at one urban and one rural school enabled their African American male students to be successful in their literacy efforts. It was my assump... |
A qualitative case study of an electronic learning community as a community of practice for new and veteran online teachers |
2014 |
2228 |
This qualitative case study used Wenger's (1998) communities of practice (CoP) framework to analyze how the institutionally-driven electronic learning community (eLC) process at an established state virtual high school (SVHS) supported new and vetera... |
Expectations for implementing Common Core State Standards and new programs for reading in a Title I school: case studies of the role of teachers’ knowledge and beliefs |
2016 |
1449 |
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to investigate the role of six elementary teachers’ knowledge and beliefs when implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for reading in their school context. The source(s) of any change(s) in t... |
The influence of teacher beliefs and knowledge on planning for technology integration in technology-rich classrooms |
2013 |
6181 |
The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the decisions three teachers made to integrate technology in technology-rich elementary classrooms. An additional purpose of this study was to understand how the teachers' beliefs about technology ... |
Literacy coaching through teachers' lenses: a phenomenological study |
2016 |
907 |
With the federal initiatives of No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top, many school districts are employing literacy coaching in their quest to improve reading test scores. This study seeks sought to understand teachers’ perceptions of literacy coa... |
Using a complexity-based perspective to better understand the relationships among mentoring, school conflicts, and novice retention |
2011 |
3051 |
In this study I used complexity-thinking, ecologically-based sustainable capacity-building, narrative methodology, and pragmatism to explore the relationships among mentoring, conflict, and novice retention. In order to explore these relationships, I... |
Teacher leadership in the balance: a phenomenological study |
2013 |
1409 |
Accountability policies constitute a form of surveillance that in many cases serve to suppress teachers' leadership from within the classroom for the benefit of students. However, some teachers working in schools that are operating under surveillance... |
Stories of sustainability concerning school-wide technology integration |
2013 |
1067 |
This study explored school-wide technology integration at two sites where traditional barriers to technology were minimized. Traditional barriers include access to technology and support to integrate technology. A school-wide technology integration m... |