Browse by Keywords - OTHER

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There are 17670 record/s using the keyword/s: other.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Conlangtionary: Prototyping a Language-Agnostic Dictionary For The Web2016Waldon, Christopher StudentComputer Science - Student, ASU
A Fresh Look at a Policy Sciences Methodology: Collaborative Modeling for More Effective Pol...2009Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Assessing Public Perceptions of Computer-Based Models2004Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Bridging Disciplines with the Riparian Area Management Project2004Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Leveraging Opportunities for Campus Sustainability2009Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Industrial Ecology Education at Wuhan University2007Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Context is Key: The Media Role in Shaping Public Perceptions about Environmental Issues2002Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Cooperative Modeling Lessons for Environmental Management2007Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book review of Useless Arithmetic 2007Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book review of American Environmental Policy, 1990-2006: Beyond Gridlock2008Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book Review of Adaptive Governance and Water Conflict2007Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book review of Comparing Futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta 2010Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book Review of Mediated Modeling: A System Dynamics Approach to Environmental Consensus Buil...2005Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book review of Water for Life: Water Management and Environmental Policy2005Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book review of Collaborative Environmental Management: What Roles for Government?2006Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Testing Language: Media Language Influence on Public Attitudes about River Management2003Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
“Creating False Images: Stream Restoration In An Urban Setting” REPLY TO DISCUSSION by David...2015Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
A Post-Marxist Look at Pre-Marxism." Review of Warren Breckman, Marx, the Young Hegelians, a...2002Stanovsky, Derek FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Writing the Web: Linking Computer Technology and Writing Courses2002Stanovsky, Derek FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Postcolonial Masculinities2007Stanovsky, Derek FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
"Virtual Reality" - Book Chapter, The Blackwell Guide To The Philosophy Of Computing And Inf...2004Stanovsky, Derek FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Economic Marginalia: Postcolonial Readings of Unpaid Domestic Labor and Development2003Wood, Cynthia FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
"And Now a Word From..." and "Answer This"2002Wood, Cynthia FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Different Commonalities: Gender Mainstreaming and the Marginalization of Difference in Econo...2005Wood, Cynthia FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Authorizing Gender and Development: "Third World Women," Native Informants, and Speaking Nea...2001Wood, Cynthia FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Community Impacts of International Service-Learning and Study Abroad: An Analysis of Focus G...2011Wood, Cynthia FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Danish Borders of Identity:Dankshed, Social Capital, And Immigration2016Lawson, Elyse StudentCultural, Gender, and Global Studies - Student, ASU
Do Customs Union Members Engage in More Bilateral Trade than Free-Trade Agreement Members?2010Roy, Jayjit FacultyEconomics, ASU
Regulatory enforcement with competitive endogenous audit mechanisms2011McKee, Mike FacultyEconomics, ASU
Patent Pools as a Solution to Efficient Licensing of Complementary Patents? Some Experimenta...2010McKee, Mike FacultyEconomics, ASU
Enforcing Compliance with Environmental Agreements in the Absence of Strong Institutions: An...2012McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Paying to Punish on a free ride: member and nonmember punishments in voluntary coalitions2012McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Costly Enforcement of Voluntary Environmental Agreements2010McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Not it: Opting out of voluntary coalitions that provide a public good2009McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Self-enforcing International Environmental Agreements with Costly Monitoring for Compliance2008McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Effects of ITQ Management on Fishermen’s Welfare When the Processing Sector is Imperfect...2009McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
The problem of maintaining compliance within stable coalitions: experimental evidence2011McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Cooperation in and out of markets: An experimental comparison of public good games and marke...2013McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Enforcing compliance with international environmental agreements using a deposit-refund syst...2013McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Prenatal Smoking Cessation and Infant Health: Evidence from Sibling Births2013Yan, Ji FacultyEconomics, ASU
Nepotism or Family Tradition? A Study of NASCAR Drivers2008Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Exit Discrimination in Major League Baseball: 1990-20042008Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
The New NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Median Voter Model, and a Robin Hood Rent R...2001Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Value of Public Goods Generated by a Major League Sports Team: The CVM Approach2001Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Measuring the Economic Benefits of Saginaw Bay Coastal Marsh with Revealed and Stated Prefer...2009Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Green Vs. Green: Measuring the Compensation Required to Site Electrical Generation Windmills...2008Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Willingness To Pay to Remove Billboards and Improve Scenic Amenities2007Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Does Don't Know Mean No? Analysis of ‘Don't Know’ Responses in Dichotomous Choice Contingent...2002Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Using Contingent Valuation to Measure the Compensation Required to Gain Community Acceptance...1998Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU