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There are 25 record/s using the keyword/s: bias.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Academic Freedom: The Right-Wing Campaign Against Women's Studies Turns A Treasured Ideal On...2008McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
Are we “social justice warriors?” HESA practitioners’ experiences supporting students impact...2024Karbley, Megan StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Bias versus bias: Harnessing hindsight to reveal paranormal belief change beyond demand char...2010Kane, Michael J.FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Biased Calculations: Numeric Anchors Influence Answers To Math Equations2011Smith, Andrew FacultyPsychology, ASU
Black women’s experience with telehealth using the lens of Black feminist thought2022Gibson, Tiffany ShantéStudentSchool of Nursing, UNCG
Confidently Biased: Comparisons With Anchors Bias Estimates And Increase Confidence2016Smith, Andrew FacultyPsychology, ASU
Consistencies And Inconsistencies In Personality Ratings Among Knowledgeable Other Reporters...2017Gillespie, Megan E.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Deconstructing Gender Differences in Persuasibility: A Bricolage1993Natalle, Elizabeth J.FacultyCommunication Studies, UNCG
The Desirability Bias Beyond Dichotomous Outcomes2019Smith, Cassandra StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
The Impact of Client and Auditor Gender on Auditors' Judgments: A Replication and Extension2016Little, Raleigh E.StudentECU
The Impact of Client and Auditor Gender on Auditors’ Judgments: A Replication and Extension2016Little, Raleigh E.StudentECU
“It’s Not Hate But …?”: Marginal Categories In Rural Journalism2022Perreault, Gregory FacultyCommunication, ASU
Letter to the editor: Bias in the measurement of bias. Letter regarding 'Citation bias and s...2016Vrshek-Schallhorn, Suzanne FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Mitigating Hypothetical Bias In Stated Preference Data: Evidence From Sports Tourism2015Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Olsavs: A New Algorithm For Model Selection2022Hicks, Nicklaus T.StudentMathematical Sciences - Student, ASU
Patients with Mental Health History2018Snyder, Audrey FacultyFamily and Community Nursing, UNCG
Predecisional Information Distortion of Trial Evidence: Biased Processing Under Persuasion2015Marshall, Lindsay D.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Racial Bias And Its Relationship With Moral Blame2017Heath, Reagan T.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Resisting Anchoring Effects: The Roles Of Metric And Mapping Knowledge2015Smith, Andrew FacultyPsychology, ASU
Sample Size Bias In The Estimation Of Means2010Smith, Andrew FacultyPsychology, ASU
Sensationalizing The Archaeological Record: How Modern Cultural Perspectives And Professiona...2022Vorreyer, Bryce L.StudentAnthropology - Student, ASU
Sexual Prejudice Among Christian College Students, Denominational Teachings, And Personal Re...2012Levy, Denise FacultyBeaver College of Health Sciences, ASU
Simple slopes are not as simple as you think2013Chen, Xidan StudentPsychology, UNCG
Testing The Courts' Assumptions About Using Juror Rehabilitation In A Child Sexual Abuse Cas...2022Castrogiovanni, Hannah D.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU