Audrey Snyder

There are 29 included publications by Audrey Snyder :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
An academic and free clinic partnership to develop a sustainable rural training and clinical practice site for the education of undergraduate and advanced practice nurses 2015 832 The purpose of this project was: 1) to expand clinical training experiences for undergraduate, graduate and advanced practice nursing students at a rural free clinic, 2) to test the feasibility of developing a model training and practice internship f...
African American healthcare: Assessing progress and needs through Martin Luther King’s perspective on social justice and equality 2017 340 Since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s death in 1968, the US population has grown substantially, with a marked increase in the percentage of people of color. It is estimated that by 2050, more than half of the American population will be people of color ...
Analyzing the Usability of the 5-Level Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale By Paramedics in the Prehospital Environment 2015 308 Introduction: ED crowding negatively affects throughput, quality of care, and outcomes. Paramedics do not have an evidence-based, feasible triage instrument to guide classification of patients. No studies have compared the Canadian Triage and Acuity ...
Decreasing ED Length of Stay with Use of the Ottawa Ankle Rules Among Nurses 2012 179 ED crowding threatens patient safety and public health. Several studies have evaluated the ability of emergency departments in the United States to handle the demands that are being placed on them daily. ED crowding is widespread throughout the Unite...
Description of healthcare needs at an episodic clinic in rural southwest Virginia 2013 731 Introduction: The objective of this study was to describe the population served at an episodic clinic in Southwest Virginia to better understand patient needs at a yearly episodic Remote Area Medical (RAM) clinic that provides free healthcare service...
Differential Access to Quality Rural Health Care: Professional and Policy 2006 296 Using a national dataset, the influence of the community and individual provider characteristics on the availability of healthcare resources in rural areas was evaluated. Disparities continue to exist in the availability of providers including organi...
Earthquakes in El Salvador: a descriptive study of health concerns in a rural community and the clinical implications – part II 2004 804 Results reported in Part I of the Earthquakes in El Salvador series (see Disaster Management & Response 2003;1:105-9) indicated clinically relevant findings. The findings indicated a need for greater public health action within all five categories re...
Earthquakes in El Salvador: A Descriptive Study of Health Concerns in a Rural Community and the Clinical Implications, Part I 2003 888 Introduction: This is the first article in a series that evaluates the health concerns of people living in a Salvadoran rural community after major earthquakes. Part I reviews the background, methods, and results of post-earthquake conditions with re...
Earthquakes in El Salvador: A Descriptive Study of Health Concerns in a Rural Community and the Clinical Implications, Part III Mental Health and Psychosocial Effects 2004 162 Background: In 2001, the mountain town of San Sebastian, El Salvador experienced a series of earthquakes that affected the livelihood of its people. Methods: A convenience sample of 100 households of 594 inhabitants of San Sebastian and the surroundi...
ED Staff Members’ personal use of complementary therapies and their recommendations to ED patients: A southeastern US regional survey 1998 126 Background: Use of complementary and alternative therapies has increased in the United States during the past 5 years. Little is known about the use of these therapies in emergency departments. Methods: The Center for the Study of Complementary and A...
The Emergency Nurses Association: 50 Years of Advocacy and Advancement 2021 1791 To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Emergency Nurses Association, this article describes the 3 most enduring and impactful policy initiatives in the organization’s history. These initiatives were identified through a comprehensive review of th...
From “First Aid Rooms” to Advanced Practice Nursing: A Glimpse into the History of Emergency Nursing 2006 673 The purpose of this article is to provide a brief history of the development of advanced practice emergency nursing in the United States, noting its roots in the “First Aid Rooms” of the Henry Street Settlement and focusing on its formal inception as...
From the Trunk of a Volkswagen Beetle: A Mobile Nursing Clinic in Appalachia 2014 211 Access to health care has been a factor for patients living in isolated mountain regions. The Frontier Nursing service was a pioneer in reaching those patients living in the most remote regions of Appalachia. Geography, demographics, and culture pres...
Gentle massage improves disease- and treatment-related symptoms in patients with AML 2014 149 Objective: Cancer treatment is reported to be stressful, and patients diagnosed with hematologic cancers often exhibit higher levels of anxiety and emotional distress than individuals with other malignancies. Management of these symptoms in patients ...
Global Rural Nursing Student Exchange: Engaging with the CHASE Model and Fostering Worldview Intelligence towards Solution-Focused Community Wellbeing 2019 357 This paper shares a pilot project designed to provide student nurses, from diverse countries, with the opportunity to gain a global rural healthcare perspective while creating solution-focused community health interventions. Nurses play a critical ro...
Interdisciplinary Disaster Preparedness: Study Abroad in St. Kitts and Nevis 2020 213 Aim: Disaster preparedness education is one approach to improving the preparedness of the health and public sector work force. The purpose of this report is to describe one approach to improving disaster preparedness for nurses and other health profe...
Interdisciplinary partnerships for rural older adults’ transitions of care 2018 973 Purpose: Integrated transitions of care for rural older persons are key issues in policy and practice. Interdisciplinary partnerships are suggested as ways to improve rural-care transitions by blending complementary skills of disciplines to increase ...
Island communities and disaster resilience: Applying the EnRiCH community resilience framework 2021 1081 Objective: To explore the beliefs, attitudes, and perspectives of community resilience in St. Kitts and Nevis. Design: Qualitative Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis using the EnRiCH Community Resilience Framework for High-Risk Populations (EnRiC...
Learning together: Combining Undergraduate and Graduate Learning for Practicing Physical Assessment Skills 2020 230 The effectiveness of using undergraduate nursing students (UNS) as standardized patients for advanced practice nurses (APNs) was studied. First-semester UNS, as part of their health assessment course requirements, participated in APN students’ practi...
Multisystem 2019 319 A 25-year-old male arrives to the ED with a complaint of right lower extremity deformity with swelling, pain, discoloration, and numbness, stating he fell 15 feet from a balcony and landed directly on his leg. Initial evaluation of his lower extremit...
Partnership Integration for Rural Health Resource Access 2019 217 Increasing numbers of older adults are residing in rural areas of the USA. Many of these individuals experience greater rates of chronic diseases and lower income levels compared to their urban-residing counterparts. Aging in rural environments creat...
Patients with Mental Health History 2018 866 This chapter contains a case study of a patient with mental health history who presents to urgent care for neck and back pain.
The perspective of doctoral nursing students engaged in mentored international research 2021 917 Five doctoral nursing students and their faculty traveled to St. Kitts and Nevis for a study abroad experience to apply research skills outside of a classroom setting as part of a disaster preparedness elective course. Nursing students reflected on t...
A Pilot Study: Exposing Novice Medical and Nursing Students to Point-of-Care Sonography Skills 2012 141 Point-of-care sonography is a valuable tool used in medical practice. A free health clinic was the venue for the authors’ approach to hands-on training for medical and nursing students. Students were surveyed before and after the event regarding thei...
Relationships Among Moral Distress, Level of Practice Independence, and Intent to Leave of Nurse Practitioners in Emergency Departments: Results from a National Survey 2015 497 The aims of this research study were to investigate moral distress among emergency department (ED) nurse practitioners (NPs) and examine relationships between moral distress and level of practice independence as well as intent to leave a position. Mo...
Risk Screening for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes in Latino Migrant Farmworkers: A Role for the Community Health Worker 2015 183 Diabetes and heart disease are two of the leading causes of death for Hispanics living in the United States (American Heart Association [AHA] in Circulation 123:e18–e209. doi:10.1161/CIR.0b013e3182009701, 2010). As the Hispanic population continues t...
The role of Procalcitonin in Community Acquired Pneumonia: A Literature Review 2012 135 Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a significant clinical and public health problem. Recently, attention has been paid to the potential for procalcitonin (PCT) both to differentiate the diagnosis and to indicate the prognosis of pneumonia. The pur...
Striving for the “New Normal”: The Aftermath of International Disasters 2010 194 Two recent earthquakes—both disasters of great magnitude—were met with worldwide attention and international response. The 1999 Marmara earthquake in northwestern Turkey caused massive human losses and damages estimated to be in the billions of dolla...
Use of Complementary and Alternative Health Practices of Persons Served by a Remote Area Medical Clinic 2008 324 Remote rural communities are often without adequate healthcare resources. To address the need in one area of Appalachia, an annual medical clinic is held to provide free healthcare services to residents of Appalachia. The Appalachian culture has a nu...