Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work By Discipline - BIOLOGY

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
The effect of fixation on the morphology of the late premolt and early postmolt cuticle of t...2009Modla, Shannon StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Growth, reproduction and survivorship responses to food enhancements for two species of estu...2009Owens, Meredith Q.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
The effects of dietary lipid on spawning performance and egg quality in black sea bass Centr...2009Bentley, Christopher DStudentMarine Science, UNCW
The vascular flora of Boiling Spring Lakes Preserve, Brunswick County, North Carolina2009Morris, J. ClayStudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Ontogeny and organization of acoustic lipids in jaw fats of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops...2009Zahorodny, Zoey PatriciaStudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Morphometric variability and allometric relationships in the seagrass Thalassia testudinum i...2009Hackney, John W.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Effects of intertidal oyster reefs on water quality in a tidal creek ecosystem2009Cressman, Kimberly A.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Effects of turbulence on growth, survival and whole-body osmolality of larval southern floun...2009Mangino, Adam StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Royal tern (Sterna maxima) chick diet on Fisherman Island National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia...2009Aygen, Deniz StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Differential expression of eight transcripts and their roles in the cuticle of the blue crab...2009Faircloth, Lindsay StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Maize gene expression UV response patterns reveal coordinate regulation of many genes 2009Blanding, Carletha RStudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Ultrastructure of the retinal synapses in cubozoans 2009Gray, Gregory ClarkStudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Characterization of the effluent from an intensive marine recirculating system for the cultu...2009Truesdale, Stephen G.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Modeling experiments on pacemaker interactions in scyphomedusae 2009Hayward, Rodney T.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
The effects of proximity to a subtidal channel on habitat utilization of intertidal oyster r...2009Artabane, Stephen J.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Distribution, photobiology, salinity tolerance and population structure of Siderastrea radia...2009Chartrand, Kathryn M.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Wound healing in Caribbean sponges2009Walters, Kyle D.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Physiological and behavioral thermoregulation in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in...2009Barbieri, Michelle MarieStudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Megagametogenesis and nuclear DNA content estimation in Halophila (Hydrocaritaceae)2009York, Robert A.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Whistles as potential indicators of stress in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)2009Esch, H. CarterStudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
The role of the Cape Fear River discharge plume in fisheries production : aggregation and tr...2009Markovsky, W. CoultStudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
The influence of salinity on the germination and distribution of Taxodium distichum (L.) Ric...2009Fleckenstein, Erin LStudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Effects of stock origin on the growth and survival of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virgin...2009Smeilus, Sarah E.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Residency patterns, seasonality and habitat use among bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatu...2009Sloan, Peggy E.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Genetic identification and phylogenetics of Lake Waccamaw endemic freshwater mussel species ...2009Sommer, Kristine StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Development of microsatellites for the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians (Lamarck), with app...2009Hemond, Elizabeth M.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
A psbA phylogeny for selected rhodophyceae2009Hunt, Jannine M.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
The impacts of rainfall runoff on tidal creek algal and bacterial production2009Ortwine, Michelle L.StudentMarine Science, UNCW
An analysis of the mechanism of Dictyostelium myosin II heavy chain kinase B in substrate ta...2009Underwood, Julie M.StudentBiology, UNCG
Replacement of fish meal by alternative protein sources in diets for juvenile black sea bass...2009Sullivan, Katherine B.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Genomic synteny and comparison of recombination between Apis mellifera (the European honey b...2009Meznar, Emily RachelStudentBiology, UNCG
Mammalian Cell Cultures1993Deese, Alisa StudentChancellor's Scholars - Biology, UNCP
The individual context of ultrasonic vocalizations in wild monogamous California mice (Perom...2009Briggs, Jessica StudentBiology, UNCG
Comparison of nekton utilization of smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) marsh based on ...2009Meyer, David L.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Molecular determination of diatom community dynamics in Onslow Bay, NC, and Monterey Bay, CA...2009Randolph, Jennifer L.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
An examination of Crassostrea virginica nuclear DNA variation along the North Carolina coast...2009Peterson, Russ StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Morphology of the melon and its tendinous connections to the facial muscles in bottlenose do...2009Harper, Cally StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Postzygotic sexual isolation among populations of Drosophila ananassae and Drosophila pallid...2009Pantazis, Christopher JohnStudentBiology, UNCG
Reproductive success of least terns and black skimmers in southeastern North Carolina2009Roman, Katrina M.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
An examination of the influence of thermokarst activity on arctic lake sediment methanogenes...2009Bostick, Matthew C.StudentBiology, UNCG
Investigation of DNA Extraction at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke1998Storms, William NormanStudentChancellor's Scholars - Biology, UNCP
Temporal expression of nitric oxide synthase in Ilyanassa obsoleta using an Ilyanassa-specif...2009Weaver, Allison DealStudentBiology, UNCG
Influence of habitat complexity in structuring species-specific interactions and trophic lin...2009Sonnier, Joseph M.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Mineralization pattern, mineral phases, and selected elemental analysis of the dorsal carapa...2009Johnson, Samantha StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Detection, diversity, and activity on anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (Anammox) in the...2009Dale, Olivia R.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Age and growth of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, from the southeastern United States2009McInerny, Stephanie A.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Understanding genetic regulation of UV-B responses in Arabidopsis thaliana2009Smith, Stephanie J.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
The Influence of Water Source Type and Insect Abundance on Bat Foraging Behavior in a Manage...2008Vindigni, Melissa AnneStudentBiology, UNCG
Diabetes Mellitus in Certain Citizens of Robeson County: Treatment Efficacy Difference betwe...1999Lowry, Carlitta LynnStudentChancellor's Scholars - Biology, UNCP
Comparison and Analysis of ADH Isozymes from a Population of Chrysoma pauciflosculosa2004Winter, Andrea M.StudentHonors College - Biology, UNCP