Accuracy of Prediction Models in the Context of Disease Management |
2005 |
2093 |
There has been a significantly increased interest in the adoption of prediction modelingby many disease and case management programs to risk stratify members in order tooptimize the utilization of available clinical resources. Before adopting any pre... |
Adding Multiple Risk Factors improves Framingham coronary Heart Disease risk scores |
2014 |
1777 |
Purpose: Since the introduction of the Framingham Risk Score (FRS), numerous versions of coronary heart disease(CHD) prediction models have claimed improvement over the FRS. Tzoulaki et al challenged the validity of these claims by illustrating metho... |
Assessing risk for coronary heart disease: Beyond Framingham |
2003 |
1073 |
The Framingham Heart Study, initiated over 50 years ago, introduced the concept of risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) and has served as the standard for risk assessment over the years.1-4 Major risk factors identified by the Framingham Hea... |
Breast cancer and dietary and plasma concentrations of carotenoids and vitamin A |
2016 |
1096 |
A case-control study of breast cancer was conducted inBuffalo. Participants completed a food frequency questionnaire and donateda fasting blood sample before definitiveworkup for breast masses. Dietaryand plasma concentrationsof carotenoids and retin... |
Building prediction models for coronary heart disease by synthesizing multiple longitudinal research findings |
2005 |
2225 |
No methodology is currently available to allow the combining of individual risk factor information derived from different longitudinal studies for a chronic disease in a multivariate fashion. This paper introduces such a methodology, named Synthesis ... |
Combined fruit and vegetable intake are correlated with improved inflammatory and oxidant status from a crosssectional study in a community setting |
2012 |
545 |
Previous studies have examined the relationship between specific nutrient and food intakes with limited markers of either inflammation or oxidant status. The objective of this study was to determine if an increase in combined selfreported fruit and v... |
Combined Fruit and Vegetable Intake Is Correlated with Improved Inflammatory and Oxidant Status from a Cross-Sectional Study in a Community Setting |
2012 |
1532 |
Previous studies have examined the relationship between specific nutrient and food intakeswith limited markers of either inflammation or oxidant status. The objective of this study was to determine if an increase in combined self-reported fruit and v... |
Combining information from multiple data sources to create multivariable risk models: Illustration and preliminary assessment of a new method |
2005 |
1733 |
A common practice of metanalysis is combining the results of numerous studies onthe effects of a risk factor on a disease outcome. If several of these composite relativerisks are estimated from the medical literature for a specific disease, they cann... |
Determinants of Plasma Retinol Concentrations of Middle-Aged Women in Rural China |
1999 |
2179 |
The purpose of this study was to assess the correlates and possible determinants ofplasma vitamin A among middle-aged women in rural China. The vitamin A adequacy of thedifferent diets at the five widely varying survey sites was also assessed. Patter... |
Dietary effects on nontraditional risk factors for heart disease |
2004 |
1566 |
Diet has long been known to play a key role in modifying the major risk factors for heartdisease, namely, dyslipidemia and hypertension. Numerous recent advances have suggested thatdietary components, particularly those in a traditional Mediterranean... |
Dissimilarity in aflatoxin dose-response relationships between DNA adduct formation and development of preneoplastic foci in rat liver |
1997 |
1408 |
Earlier work in this laboratory and that carried out by others demonstrated that after a single dose of aftatoxin B1 (AFB) the resulting liver AFB-DNA adduct levels were directly proportional to dose. Earlier workalso showed that after ten daily dose... |
Effects of Breast Cancer Treatments on Plasma Nutrient Levels: Implications for Epidemiological Studies |
2016 |
756 |
The interpretation of case-control studies in which blood nutrient levels are examined asetiological factors in cancer is complicated by the possibility that either the disease or itstreatment may alter these levels. Circulating levels of selected nu... |
Flavonol Intake and Cognitive Decline in Middle-Aged Adults |
2015 |
2332 |
Cognitive decline occurs with age and may be slowed by dietary measures, including increased intake of dietary phytochemicals. However, evidence from large and long-term studies of flavonol intake is limited. Dietary intakes of flavonols were assesse... |
Healthy Eating Index 2005 and selected macronutrients are correlated with improved lung function in humans |
2014 |
2089 |
A number of dietary components have been associated with lung function. However, a comprehensive measure of a healthy diet has not been compared with lung function. Herein, we test the hypothesis that a healthy overall diet, as assessed by the Health... |
Healthy Eating Index-2010 And Physical Activity And Disabilities Of Old Age |
2019 |
1183 |
BACKGROUND: Consuming a poor diet and being physically inactive may increase the risk of developing disabilities of old age. OBJECTIVE: To investigate correlations between Healthy Eating Index-2010 (HEI-2010) scores, physical activity levels, and dis... |
Iron status of middle-aged women in five counties of rural China |
1999 |
1822 |
To determine the relationships of dietary iron sources, other dietary factors, andlifestyle to iron status among premenopausal and recently postmenopausal Chinesewomen with widely varying regional dietary patterns |
1976 |
905 |
Microsomal hydroxylation of aniline in midguts of the southern armyworm, Spodoptera eridania, was found to differ in its requirements for optimal in vitro activity from those of armyworm and rat liver pchloro N-methylaniline Ndemethylase and rat live... |
Prescribe by Risk: The Utility of a Biomarker-Based Risk Calculation in Disease Management to Prevent Heart Disease |
2005 |
1563 |
Preventive treatment for those most at risk of heart disease rather than those with thehighest blood pressure or cholesterol values may be a more efficacious strategy fordisease man agreement. This depends on accurate biomarker-based risk assessmentt... |
A randomized trial of fish oil omega-3 fatty acids on arterial health, inflammation, and metabolic syndrome in a young healthy population |
2013 |
1828 |
Background: Long chain omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils (O3) are known to have beneficial effects on a number of vascular risk factors in at-risk populations. The effects of a highly bioavailable emulsified preparation on an overweight young adult ... |
Synthesis analysis of regression models with a continuous outcome |
2009 |
1689 |
To estimate the multivariate regression model from multiple individual studies,it would be challenging to obtain results if the input from individual studiesonly provide univariate or incomplete multivariate regression information.Samsa et al. (J. Bi... |
Use of an Improved Method for Analysis of Urinary Aflatoxin M 1 in a Survey of Mainland China and Taiwan |
1997 |
829 |
An improved monoclonal antibody immunoaffinity chromatography/high-pressure liquid chromatography/ftuorescence detection method was developed to measure aftatoxin (AF) exposure by quantifying AFM 1 inhuman and rat urine samples.Analysis of different ... |
Vitamin A and carotenoid status in rural China |
2016 |
612 |
Vitamin A status of 260 groups of twenty five males or twenty five females, aged 3 years,surveyed in twenty four provinces of the People's Republic of China, was assessed by. measuringplasma retinol, retinol binding protein and fl-carotene concentrat... |