Dacchille, Stephen | Computer Science - Student, ASU | N/A |
Dagenbach, Jana | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Dahlan, Alia Kartika | Finance, Banking, and Insurance - Student, ASU | Student |
Dakin, Emily | Social Work, ASU | Faculty |
Daly, Adelia Catarina | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Daly, Christina Adele | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Dancy, Kelly | Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Danek, Ariel | Nutrition and Health Care Management - Student, ASU | Student |
Daniel, Amber Lorean | Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Daniel, Rebecca Marie | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Daniel, Jr., Harold Zane | Business - Student, ASU | Student |
Daniels, John William | Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Danielson, J. Ryne | Government and Justice Studies - Student , ASU | Student |
Das, Neel | Marketing, ASU | Faculty |
Davenport, Harold Douglas | Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Davenport, Toria Renee | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Daves, Norris Wayne | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Davidson, Haley Skye | Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Davidson, Nathaniel Ragland | Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Davies, Brooke Cameron | Theatre and Dance - Student, ASU | Student |
Davila, Rafaela | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Alma Watson | Reading Education & Special Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Andrew | Communication, ASU | Faculty |
Davis, Bonnie Lee | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Caroline Elizabeth | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Chelsea Renee | Sustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Jewel | Belk Library and Information Commons, ASU | Faculty |
Davis, John D. | Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Justin David | Philosophy and Religion - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Kaleb R. | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Kelly M. | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Kierstin | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, L. Alison | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Michael Christopher | Government and Justice Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Monica Jean | Geography and Planning - Student , ASU | Student |
Davis, Rachel | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Scarlet Ann | Educational Leadership - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Sophie | Communication - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, Wesley | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Davis, IV, Alonzo J. | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Davison, Elizabeth Lynn (Beth) | Sociology, ASU | Faculty |
Davison, Sherrie Lynn | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Dawson, Benjamin Parks | Music - Student, ASU | Student |
Dawson, John | Economics, ASU | Faculty |
Dawson, Nakesha Merritt | Educational Leadership - Student, ASU | Student |
Day, Cheryl Lynn Mark | Reading Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Dayvault, Kay Annette | Language, Reading, & Exceptionalities - Student, ASU | Student |
De Triquet, Richard Charles | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Deans, Carole Margaret | Music - Student, ASU | Student |
Debelius, Jr., Charles Alan | Educational Leadership - Student, ASU | Student |
DeBell, Susan M. | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
DeCaro, Michael | Nutrition and Health Care Management - Student, ASU | Student |
Decker, Logan Campbell | Economics & S.T.B.E. - Student, ASU | Student |
DeFelice, Sally | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
DeHart, Jason | Reading Education and Special Education, ASU | Faculty |
Deitzel, Erin | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Delalija, Ana | Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU | Student |
DeLarm-Neri, Robin | Technology and Environmental Design - Student, ASU | Student |
DeLisle, Alexa | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Dellinger, Philip Taylor | Geography and Planning - Student, ASU | Student |
DeLustro, Laura Marie | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Demetriades, Despina Gus | Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Dempsey, Deborah | Music - Student, ASU | Student |
Denman, Lindsey | Rehabilitation Sciences - Student, ASU | Student |
Denniston, James | Psychology, ASU | Faculty |
Denslow, Michael Ward | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
DeSantis, Broderick M. | Computer Science - Student, ASU | Student |
DeShields, Alison R. | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
DeSmidt, Judith A. | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Dessoffy, Judith Holler | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
DeVaughan, Imogene Spiegle | Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Deviney, David Edward | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Dickerson, Laura Katherine | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Dickinson, Chris | Psychology, ASU | Faculty |
Dickinson, David L. | Economics, ASU | Faculty |
Dietrich, Daniel R. | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
DiFranco, Logan | Communication - Student, ASU | Student |
DiMella, Toni Marie | Educational Leadership - Student, ASU | Student |
Dixon, Sonoma | Business - Student, ASU | Student |
Dixon-Fowler, Heather | Management, ASU | Faculty |
Dobbins, Erin | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Dobson, Mackenzie Ridge | Government and Justice Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Doebler, Mackenzie | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Doherty, Kathleen | Government and Justice Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Dolan, Chrisha Lynn | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Donahue, Blevin McIntosh | Speech Pathology & Audiology - Student, ASU | Student |
Donley, Jessica Marie | Music - Student, ASU | Student |
Donnelly, Siobhan M. | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Donovan, Georgie | University Libraries, ASU | Faculty |
Doran, Kellie Morgan | Art - Student, ASU | Student |
Dorris, Alexa | Music - Student, ASU | Student |
Doster, Meredith Abigail | Appalachian Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Doublin, Katlyn | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Doughty, Kathryn L. | Health, Phys. Ed., and Recreation - Student, ASU | Student |
Dovel, Ryan | Government and Justice Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Dowd, Correy Lynn | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Dowell, Zachary David | Technology and Environmental Design - Student, ASU | Student |
Dowless, Stewart B. | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Downs, Ethan M. | Business - Student, ASU | Student |
Doyle, Alaina Marie | Philosophy and Religion - Student, ASU | Student |
Draper, Joshua | Cultural, Gender, and Global Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Dreibelbis, Vernon Joseph | Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Dubino, Jeanne | Interdisciplinary Studies, ASU | Faculty |
Dudley, Lenore Wiedman | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Duke, Cama Joyce | Educational Leadership - Student, ASU | Student |
Dulaney, Rebecca | Music - Student, ASU | Student |
Dulaney, William | Mathematical Sciences - Student, ASU | Student |
Dumas, Shay | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Duncan, Caitlyn | Geography and Planning - Student, ASU | Student |
Duncan, Jamie Michelle | Government and Justice Studies - Student , ASU | Student |
Dunlop, Daniel Sean | Political Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Duong, Alisa | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Durham, Kelly M. | Business - Student, ASU | Student |
Duvall-Irwin, Benjamin | Appalachian Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Dyer, Brandon Duke | Philosophy And Religion - Student, ASU | Student |
Dykes, Dave | Communication - Student, ASU | Student |
Dykes, Dave | Communications - Student, ASU | N/A |
Dyson, Amber D. | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |