Acceptance And Commitment Therapy And Heavy Episodic Drinking Among College Students: An Exa... | 2019 | Kirkpatrick, Jamie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Acceptance-Based Interventions For Direct Care Staff: An Assessment Of Need | 2016 | Erath, Tyler | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Achievement Motivation In Hispanic University Students: Associations With Reasons For Attend... | 2017 | Gizdarska, Simona | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
ADHD Traits, Emotion Dysregulation, And Romantic Relationship Satisfaction In College Studen... | 2020 | Davenport, Toria Renee | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Administration Effect Of Hartman's Basic Thematic Apperception Test Set On Anxiety, Depr... | 1984 | Crenshaw, Jr., Edwin E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Adult ADHD Traits And Selective Visual Attention | 2020 | Mondlak, Zachery | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Adult Attachment And Workplace Romance Motives: An Examination Of The Association Between Ro... | 2017 | Belinda, Casher | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Against The Odds: Preschoolers, Like Adults, Predict Outcomes That Are Desirable But Unlikel... | 2016 | Morgan, Zachary Hollingsworth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Age Differences In Emotional Response To Future Events | 2018 | Steinbicker, Natalie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Aggressive Behavioral Effects Of Display Water By Dominant And Subordinate Siamese Fighting ... | 1978 | Vickery, J. David | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Aggressive Behaviors Among College Students: Parental Factors, Callous-Unemotional Traits, A... | 2017 | Gruenwald, Chelsea Elisabeth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Alcohol Use and Blood Flow in College Men: The Relationship with Personality | 2015 | Belhumeur, Jacqueline | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Alphabet Knowledge Interventions And Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Need For Mnemonics Or Motiv... | 2020 | Poythress, Haley Christine | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Alpha Activity, Anxiety, And Distraction | 1976 | McDonald, Robert D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Ambition In Women: An Investigation Of Achievement Motivation And Psychological Adjustment | 1982 | Jennings, Louise | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Amp Up The Wrappers: Multiple Metacognitive Wrappers Do Not Improve Student Academic Perform... | 2020 | Chambers, Jessica M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Anagram Solution Ability: A Function Of Verbal Intelligence | 1974 | Moon, Thomas W. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Analysis And Application Of The Major Psychological Concepts For The Religious Educator-C... | 1960 | Methvin, R.H. | Student | Education - Student, ASU |
An Analysis Of Violence Victimization, Substance Use, And Gender As Predictors Of Violence P... | 2018 | Codella, Enzo | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Another Look At Milgram: The Role Of Reflection Time And Normative Information In Obedience ... | 2017 | Udry, Jessica | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Anxiety Sensativity Mediates The Relationship Between Exercise Frequency And Anxiety | 2016 | Abraham, Chelsea | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Anxious People Report Less Emotional Distancing While Imagining Negative Future Events | 2019 | Scroggs, Cameron | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Applicant Reaction To Facebook Screening: A Cross-Cultural Examination | 2020 | Fyler, Jarod | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Application Of Self-Management Techniques To The Development Of Social Skills In Psychot... | 1976 | Young, Jr., J. Henry | Student | Clinical Psychology - Student, ASU |
Approach To Studying: Contributions Of Goal Orientation And Motivation For Attending Univers... | 2017 | Rodriguez, Lucia | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Assertiveness, Locus Of Control, And Body Image In Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia | 1985 | Krishnamurthy, Radhika | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Assessing College Students' Mental Health Needs: A Process Example Using Nominal Groups And ... | 1983 | Caison, Walter B. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Assessing The Efficacy Of A Self-Administered Treatment For Social Anxiety Disorder In The F... | 2018 | George, Daniel Lewis | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Assessment Of Attitudinal Rigidity In Relation To Age And Abstract Intelligence | 1982 | Austin, Sharon Story | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Assessment Of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Experience And Training On Mock Jurors’ Decis... | 2021 | Ferreira, Patricia A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Attempts To Debias Wishful Thinking In The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election | 2017 | Norris III, Victor L. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Stress, and Quality of Life in Adulthood | 2010 | Combs, Martha Anne | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Attitudes Toward Psychologists As Revealed On The Semantic Differential As A Function Of Edu... | 1973 | Bradley, Jr., John K. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Attractiveness Stereotype, Severity of Illness, and Perceptions of a Child Target: Does C... | 2012 | Telk, Alexandra | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Attrition And Covid-19: Two Factors That Limited The Analysis Of The Calm Carpe Diem Gatekee... | 2021 | Wiggins, Abigale | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Autism: The Effects of a Label on Social Acceptability and Desirability of a Child | 2013 | DeLustro, Laura Marie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Awareness, Attention, Acceptance: How Mindfulness As An Emotion Regulation Strategy Could Re... | 2018 | Knight, Rebekah C. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Baby-Led Weaning: A Study Of Infant Feeding Practices Using A US Sample | 2018 | Currie, Katelyn E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
BASICS For Alcohol Use In College Students: Impact Of Choice On Anxiety | 2017 | Kirschner, Brittany | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Behavioral Approach For The Control Of Inappropriate Behaviors In A Special Education Day ... | 2021 | Bracy, III, Odie Lawrence | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Biofeedback And Relaxation: The Role Of Individual Differences | 1983 | Rawson, Jane Carol | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Biofeedback And The Role Of Paradoxical Instruction | 1984 | Anderson, Lofton V. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Birth Order, Sex, And The Rod-And-Frame Test | 1972 | Reighard, Patton B. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Blaming Blamers: Differential Obligation To Punish For Third-Parties Compared To Victims | 2019 | Gardner, Tessa Jean | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Body Image Distortion In Hospitalized Children | 1978 | Royster, Lucy Kimball | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Boundary Extension and Perceived Motion | 2014 | Hinnant, Sarah G. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Breast Self-Examination Among College-Aged Females: An Intervention Study | 2011 | Toomey, Kelsey J. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Bullying Victimization As A Predictor Of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Abuse In A Nationally R... | 2018 | Loeza, Angelo Cruz | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
CALM CARPE Diem Gatekeeper Training For Resident Assistants | 2020 | Wilson, Michaela | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The CALM Gatekeeper Training Is Associated With Increased Confidence In Suicide Prevention S... | 2017 | Rosen, Melanie Rae | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |