Thompson, Max


There are 10 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
A Comparison Of Spaced And Massed Practice On The Acquisition Of Functional Sight Words 1982 137 A review of the literature revealed a superiority of spaced trial sequencing over massed trial sequencing when teaching motor and cognitive skills to normal and retarded subjects. The research in this paper attempted to substantiate and generalize th...
The Use Of Time Delay As An Instructional Procedure With The Severely Handicapped 1982 251 The use of time delay as an instructional procedure was investigated with three moderately or severely retarded, behavior disordered children who resided in a group home....
Decreasing Self-Injurious Behavior In Two Profoundly Handicapped Individuals By Increasing On-Task Responses Through The Use Of A Reinforcement Procedure 1982 294 The focus of this study was treatment of high levels of self-injurious behavior exhibited by two profoundly mentally retarded individuals. Both individuals participated in experimental sessions which followed a withdrawal research design with probe n...
Rapid Method Of Teaching Profoundly Retarded Persons To Dress By A Reinforcement-Guidance Method 1982 157 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the Azrin et. al. (1976) method on the teaching of dressing skills to a severely handicapped child. It will attempt to answer the research question: Is the "rapid method" an effective ...
Use Of Function As A Consequence In Training Receptive Labeling Of Objects To Severely Handicapped Individuals 1982 264 This study compared two methods of training receptive labeling of objects to two severely handicapped subjects....
Identifying And Implementing Empirically Successful Feeding Techniques With A Severely Involved Profoundly Retarded Individual 1983 273 This study was undertaken to determine if a severely involved profoundly retarded young woman with a two and one half year history of poor progress in a traditional feeding program could be taught to feed herself using empirically successful feeding ...
Effects Of Training Attending Behavior Prior To Instructional Skill Training 1981 283 This study examined the effects of attending behavior as a prerequisite to skill training with the severely/profoundly handicapped. Three institutionalized children in a classroom setting were involved in this single-case experimental research....
Increasing Spontaneous Play By Suppressing Self-Stimulation In Severely Handicapped Children: A Systematic Replication 1981 118 The appropriate play of two profoundly retarded children who exhibited high levels of self-stimulatory behavior was the focus of this study....
Environmental Exploration In Four Profoundly Retarded, Multiply Handicapped Institutionalized Persons: A Comparison Between Two Environmental Designs 1982 180 The use of leisure tine in a productive manner is an important aspect of habilitation for profoundly retarded, multiply handicapped persons. However, this population is characterized by low rates of environmental interaction and a limited capacity to...
Adapting Environments To Enhance Leisure Activity For Multiply Handicapped Individuals 1985 114 This study focused on the use of adaptive switches to improve the individual's access to leisure activity....