Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Effects Of Both Anxiety Producing And Non-Anxiety Producing Instructions On Task Performance |
1973 |
143 |
The present study was designed to measure the effects of anxiety on task performance when Ss are told they are being compared against either the same or opposite sex. The Sarason Test Anxiety Scale (TAS), an un-standardized achievement test, and a ma... |
A Reliability Study Of The Personality Assessment Report |
1976 |
312 |
The present study was designed to test the reliability of the Personality Assessment Report, a rating scale developed for use in clinical settings.... |
The Effects Of Couple Communication Training On Traditional Sex Stereotypes Of Husbands And Wives |
1976 |
187 |
This study was conducted to determine the effect of Couple Communication training upon the self and spouse perceptions of husbands and wives in regard to male and female sex stereotypes. The Ss consisted of three groups of twenty couples each. One gr... |
The Relationship Between The Spiral Aftereffect Test And Electroencephalographic Records In Adults |
2021 |
221 |
The relationship between the spiral aftereffect (SAE) and electroencephalograms (EEG) of an adult population was evaluated. The spiral aftereffect test (SAET) was administered to two groups of patients -- 20 with abnormal EEGs and 20 with normal EEGs... |
The Tests Of Basic Experiences And The Screening Test For Assignment Of Remedial Treatments As Predictors Of Readiness For First Grade |
2022 |
119 |
The present study was designed to test the ability of scores on the Tests of Basic Experiences and the Screening Test for Assignment of Remedial Treatments to identify pupils at the beginning of the kindergarten year who would be identified as not re... |
A Comparative Study Of Word Association Evaluation Methods In Process-Reactive Schizophrenics |
1977 |
283 |
Three 10-member groups, designated process, indeterminate, and reactive, were constructed through a preliminary screening and oral administration of the Ullmann-Giovannoni Process-Reactive Scale.... |
A Validity Study Of The North Carolina Psychoeducational Screening Test |
1978 |
270 |
This paper reports the results of a concurrent validity study of the North Carolina Psychoeducational Screening Test (PET) using the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities and the Auditory Reception subtest of the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic A... |
A Correlational Study Of The Clyde Mood Scale And The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory |
1974 |
226 |
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Clyde Mood Scale (CMS) were administered to 100 psychiatric in-patients and 63 normal subjects in an attempt to investigate the utility of the CMS. The Pearson coefficient of correlation ... |
The Influence Of Racial Integration On The Achievement-Oriented Behavior Of Black And White Inmates |
2021 |
250 |
Although most of the racial achievement studies in the literature offer clear cut evidence of the typical reaction of blacks on racially integrated achievement tasks, none mentioned the effect that biracial encounter has on the achievement-oriented b... |
A Comparison Of Memory Span And Absolute Judgement In Three Adult Populations |
1977 |
138 |
The present study employed 60 adult subjects (38 White females, 3 Black females, 18 White males, and 1 Black male). The absolute judgement task and the memory span task have important empirical similarities; namely, 7 + - 2, while each is purported a... |
Predicting Extrapunitive And Intropunitive Hostility In A Juvenile Correction Population |
1981 |
122 |
This study examined the thesis that extrapunitive and intropunitive hostility can be predicted in a juvenile corrections subject population using a projective technique.... |
The Administration Effect Of Hartman's Basic Thematic Apperception Test Set On Anxiety, Depression, And Hostility |
1984 |
89 |
This research was designed to examine the effect of the administration of an abbreviated form of The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) on anxiety, depresĀsion, and hostility as measured by the Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist (MMACL)-Today form.... |
Perceptions Of The Counseling And Psychological Services Center At Appalachian State University |
1977 |
100 |
The present study sought to learn how the Counseling and Psychological Services Center (Counseling Center) at Appalachian State University is perceived by the students and the professional staff of the Counseling Center in relation to its roles and f... |
An Investigation Of The Tree-Trauma Hypothesis |
1982 |
144 |
A study was designed to evaluate the Tree-Trauma hypothesis by comparing a "trauma" (n = 16) versus non-"trauma" (n = 16) group of college students.... |
A Comparison Of WISC-R Intelligence Scores With Scores Of The Talent Assessment Program Of Motor Skills In An Educably Mentally Handicapped And Learning Disabled Population |
1982 |
151 |
The purpose of the present research is to determine what correlations exist between motor skills as measured by the Talent Assessment Program (TAP) and intelligence as measured by the WISC-R.... |
Characteristics Of Women Experiencing Bulimia And The Incidence Of This Eating Disorder Among Women At A Southern University Campus |
1983 |
298 |
Research has indicated that the eating disorder known as bulimia may be taking on epidemic proportions among young women in this country . . . The present research was intended to provide information regarding the size of the problem of the Appalachi... |
The Relationship Between Psychotherapy Styles And The Personality Typology As Measured By The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator |
1984 |
267 |
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between psychotherapists' personality typology as postulated by Carl Jung (1923) and measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)(1962) and the descriptions of Therapy Styles developed... |
Anagram Solution Ability: A Function Of Verbal Intelligence |
1974 |
1058 |
The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between the subjects' verbal intelligence quotient as defined by the verbal half of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and his/her ability to obtain correct solutions to anagrams.... |
Hyperkinesis: An Examination Of Diagnostic Terms Among Physicians |
1976 |
207 |
An exploratory study was undertaken in an attempt to define physicians' orientations in the diagnosis of hyperkinesis.... |
Hemispheric Specialization For Linguistic And Nonlinguistic Tactual Perception In A Congenitally Deaf Population |
1976 |
915 |
Two groups of congenitally deaf and two groups of hearing right-handed subjects identified pairs of nonsense shapes and letters after simultaneous bilateral tactual exploration. In response to shapes, left and right hand pointing to multiple choice a... |
The Effects Of Positive Conditioning And Contingent Reinforcement On Dual Modality Reaction Times Of Chronic Nonparanoid Schizophrenics |
1979 |
237 |
Chronic schizophrenics have consistently been shown to exhibit slower reaction time (RT) than normal individuals when required to respond as rapidly as possible to the presentation or cessation of a stimulus. RT deficit occurs whether stimuli are pre... |
The Effects Of Exteroceptive Feedback VS. Instructional Sets On Cardiac Rate Control |
1979 |
136 |
This study predicted that verbal instructions are as effective as exteroceptive feedback (i.e., visual feedback) in achieving increases and decreases in heart rate (HR).... |
Cerebral Dominance And Creativity As Measures Of Cognitive Style In A Schizophrenic Population |
1979 |
126 |
Twenty patients with Research Diagnostlc Criteria diagnoses of either schizo-affectlve disorder or schizophrenia were voluntarily enrolled in the research protocol of the Research Unit at Broughton Hospital. Subjects were administered the Barron-Wels... |
Personality Differences Between Adolescent Female Cigarette Smokers And Nonsmokers |
1985 |
95 |
One hundred and twenty-two adolescent female cigarette smokers and nonsmokers were given the Schubert Smoking scale and the MacAndrew Addiction scale to determine if these measurements could successfully discriminate between the two groups.... |