Hutchinson, Edward


There are 13 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Teacher Attitudes Toward Mountain Speech In Elementary School Children 1981 298 The purpose of this study was to examine the expressed attitudes of pre-service teachers toward mountain speech in elementary school children....
A Comparison Of Three Adolescent Language Screening Tests 1986 466 The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in performance and pass/fail rates on the Clinical Evaluation of Language Functions, Advanced Level Screening test (CELF)(Wiig & Semel, 1980b), the Screening Test of Adolescent Language (STAL)(...
Communicativeness In Normal And Communication Disordered Preschool Children 1980 331 The purpose of this study was to compare communicativeness in normal and communication disordered preschool children....
The Intelligibility Of Esophageal Speech With And Without Visual Cues 1979 143 The purpose of this study was to determine if the intelligibility of esophageal speech is improved by the addition of the visual component to the auditory component....
The Effectiveness Of A Functional Communication Stimulation Program For Four Year Old Children 1980 328 The focus of this study was: (1) to determine if a four-year old child's use and function of communication competence could be expanded in a period of three months, and (2) to determine if the "Assessment of Communication in Everyday Situations" (ACE...
A Reliability Study Of The Assessment Of Communication In Everyday Situations 1980 335 The "Assessment of Communication in Everyday Situations" (ACES) was administered to sixty-three preschool and school-aged children in order to establish the reliability of ACES as a measure of communicative competence....
Communication Effectiveness Of Articulation Impaired Children 1981 298 The purpose of this study was to determine if children with moderate articulation impairments communicate as effectively as normal speaking children....
Articulation Therapy Effectiveness In Union County, North Carolina 1981 291 Three methods of articulation programming are presented and compared for therapy effectiveness: Paired Stimuli, Baseline Probe and Traditional Therapy. Subjects for this study were third-grade children in Union County, North Carolina, tested with the...
Pragmatic Deficits In Learning Disabled Children 1985 85 The purpose of this study was to determine if referential communication deficits are present in learning disabled boys (LD) with no measurable expressive language impairment, or only those who are learning and language disabled (LLD)....
Nonverbal Decoding Skills Of Speech Language Clinicians-In-Training 1985 78 This study examined the nonverbal decoding skills of 37 speech language clinicians-in-training at Appalachian State University using "The Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity" (PONS)....
Relationships Between Parental, Teacher, And Learning Accomplishment Ratings Of Preschool Children's Language Production And Comprehension Abilities 1985 224 The purposes of this study were to determine the relationship between parent and teacher perceptions of children's language skills....
The Opinions Of Family Members Of Dysphasic Patients Concerning Family Counseling 1985 102 This study attempted to determine the extent to which the family members of dysphasic patients felt that counseling services met the needs of the family....
A Comparison Of Traditional And Checklist Individualized Education Programs For Articulation Disorders 1986 257 The purpose of this study was to compare the efficiency, the time economy, and the individuality of a student's program, of a checklist Individualized Education Program (IEP) and a handwritten IEP for articulation disorders. The subjects, a group of ...