Ensuring evidence-supported pedagogical practices through instructional coaching

WCU Author/Contributor (non-WCU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Sarah Gillespie (Creator)
Rebecca Welch (Creator)
Western Carolina University (WCU )
Web Site: http://library.wcu.edu/
Jess Weiler

Abstract: Based on national test data, students are performing at a basic achievement level (below grade-level) in both reading and math (NCES, 2022). Research indicates four causes for low academic performance: poor pre-service preparation; inconsistent presence of standards-based, grade-level curriculum; lack of ongoing, evidence-based professional development; and lack of evidence-supported pedagogy. Our national and local problem is students are consistently performing below grade-level proficiency. This improvement initiative aimed to address the lack of access high school students have to evidence-based practices by focusing on cycles of targeted coaching support. The need for this initiative was identified as a result of continued evidence of below proficient student achievement in two districts. Improvement science, a methodology which uses inquiry with the goal of improving practice (Bryk et al., 2015), was employed throughout the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles implemented as a part of the improvement initiative. We also utilized a Networked Improvement Community (Bryk et al., 2015) because the two districts in this initiative shared a common aim and visions for instructional practice.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2024
Coaching, Evidence-Based Practices, Evidence-Supported Pedagogy, Grade-Level Curriculum, Professional Development, Targeted Coaching Support
Academic achievement
Curriculum evaluation
Educational counseling

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