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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Toward equitable family engagement: Using professional learning to impact teachers' beliefs ...2022Alford-Keith, Leigh AnnStudentHuman Services, WCU
Thanatomicrombiome dynamics: bacterial community succession in the human mouth throughout de...2019Ashe, Emily CathanStudentBiology, WCU
Test optional admissions and student debt2019Bevers, Alexia StudentAccounting, Finance, Info Systems and Business Law, WCU
(T)here2022Blasko, Eli TaylorStudentArt and Design, WCU
Trends in online support seeking behavior among college students pre- and post COVID-19 pand...2024Bossing, Nathan StudentPsychology, WCU
Thought suppression in the context of the normative window model of prejudice2019Buie, Hannah StudentPsychology, WCU
TEST2018Byrd, Brian FacultyEnvironmental Health, WCU
Test 2 - image2018Byrd, Brian FacultyEnvironmental Health, WCU
Technical Services and Public Services: Collaborative Decision Making2017Calvert, Kristin FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Title IX compliance at two-year colleges : an analysis of perceived barriers and strategies2010Causby, Cory ScottStudentHuman Services, WCU
Traces of human histories2022Chassner, Kate StudentArt and Design, WCU
"They have stories to tell”: a symphony exploring BIPOC belongingness, joy, and struggle thr...2023Cheshire, Grace E.StudentHuman Services, WCU
Teacher beliefs regarding grade retention based on type of academic difficulties demonstrate...2013Clymer, Sean Michael StudentPsychology, WCU
Truancy prevention in Southwest Virginia2016Cooper, Carrie MercedithStudentPsychology, WCU
Teacher perspectives on factors that affect teacher attrition and retention in rural middle ...2010Cowan, Teresa HoltStudentHuman Services, WCU
Thought constraint as an individual differences variable2023Daniel, Rebecca MarieStudentPsychology, WCU
Take and Eat: Eve, Mary, and Feminist Christianity2010Diede, Martha FacultyCoulter Faculty Commons, WCU
Teaching through the screen: how watching "our planet" impacts adolescents’ connection to na...2023Downs, Kathryn BlairStudentHuman Services, WCU
A technique for estimating three-dimensional volume-of-interest using eye gaze2015Drawdy, Carl ColeStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Trilled song types are more salient than non-trilled song types in agonistic interactions be...2017Duke, Cameron BryantStudentBiology, WCU
They Don't Have to Like you: Facebook Marketing for Libraries in the Age of Paid Ads2017Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Tools and Strategies for Circulation Profiling2013Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Three Years into a Periodical Use Study2001Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Tips for Profiling in a Network Environment1998Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Timing synchronization in MIMO-OFDM systems2013Farhan, Farhan StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU