Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Title - E

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Effects of pH on adsorption of copper(II) onto ground peanut hulls2020Adom, Stephen StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
The efficacy of small-scale removal of an invasive species (redbreast sunfish, Lepomis aurit...2014Aiken, Miranda AnnetteStudentBiology, WCU
Efficacy of using music therapy combined with traditional aphasia and apraxia of speech trea...2010Aitken Dunham, Debra JeanStudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, WCU
Examining perceived stress and support in school psychology graduate programs2020Anderson, Hannah L.StudentPsychology, WCU
An exploratory review of school psychologist's perceptions of their role as a leader2024Arocho, Jessica MarieStudentPsychology, WCU
The effects of the protist parasite Dermomycoides Sp., on the Dusky Gopher Frog (Rana Sevosa...2016Atkinson, Matthew ScotStudentBiology, WCU
An examination of the differential production of silk by juvenile male and female Aposthonia...2012Auletta, Anthony StudentBiology, WCU
Effectiveness of cooperative and competitive shared control2014Babecki, Kevin StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Effects of nest quality on incubation and reproductive success in Carolina chickadees (Poeci...2018Ballance, Traci ErinStudentBiology, WCU
Exploring organic pattern through surface design2009Behling, Dawn MichelleStudentArt and Design, WCU
Examining the relations among working memory capacity, ADHD symptology and conscious experie...2021Beikmohamadi, Leila AnnieStudentPsychology, WCU
Evaluating self-segregation of seminal fluid components via surface-enhanced Raman spectrosc...2020Bond, Michael AnthonyStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
The effect of sexist humor on women's sense of possible-selves2017Breeden, Christopher StudentPsychology, WCU
An examination of introgression in the Trillium erectum species complex using microsatellite...2021Brenek, Austin WilliamStudentBiology, WCU
The effect of Celastrus orbiculatus, oriental bittersweet, on the herbaceous layer along a w...2011Browder, Jenny RebeccaStudentBiology, WCU
Eye-tracker correlates of MMPI-2-RF negative emotionality scales2015Cannon, Elissa Maria CatherineStudentPsychology, WCU
The exposing stitch : personal fears of childbearing2009Carroll, Britney JoStudentArt and Design, WCU
Ethnicity, gender, and high school dropouts : a case study2011Chappell, Marquessa LaBrettStudentPsychology, WCU
An exploration of chemometric regression techniques to analyze infrared spectra of aqueous s...2019Cheek, Morgan EliseStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
An equity-minded approach to improving Black male student persistence at Four Corners Commun...2024Childs, Rebecca G.StudentHuman Services, WCU
The exploitation of women and nature in Appalachia : an analysis of labor rights and environ...2016Cian, Holly RoseStudentEnglish, WCU
Effectiveness of digital recruitment for school psychology graduate program2021Clasen, Benjamin JohnStudentPsychology, WCU
The end of the wor(l)d as we know it? : language in postapocalyptic 2011Cole, Joshua BradyStudentEnglish, WCU
Examination of morphological and habitat variation within Stenanthium gramineum (Eastern Fea...2020Cook, Hannah MarieStudentBiology, WCU
AN ECOLOGICAL COMPARISON BETWEEN TWO STRAlNS OF WILD BROOK TROUT, Salvelinus fontinalis2005Cornelison, James WesStudentBiology, WCU
An evaluation of the tales for tots program2010Costner, Ashley NicoleStudentPsychology, WCU
Establishing culturally responsive classrooms in high school English courses2023Cox, Heather M.StudentHuman Services, WCU
Early childhood education students' perceptions of community college distance education cour...2010Crump, Tracy LynnStudentHuman Services, WCU
"England hath need of thee": the omniscient narrator of Bleak House and Charles Dickens's Mi...2017Davidson, Laura ElizabethStudentEnglish, WCU
Exploring how sex and love are defined in adulthood : conversations with women about romanti...2015Davis, Martha ChristineStudentPsychology, WCU
Effectiveness of an aphasia training module presented to mental health professionals2017Deaton, Kalie ElizabethStudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, WCU
An experimental analysis of magnetorheological (MR) damping for vibration mitigation2015Deaton, William RalphStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Extraction efficiency testing of degraded bone samples: Comparing four DNA extraction method...2022Deem, Emily LuciaStudentBiology, WCU
The effects of nesting on grandparent investment2016Deese, Stephanie LynneStudentPsychology, WCU
The ecosystem of service: a rhetorical analysis and proposed cross-disciplinary approach for...2017Easley, Corrine EliseStudentEnglish, WCU
Evidence of kin-specific communication in a temperate, subsocial spider Anelosimus studiosus...2013Eckardt, Megan AnnStudentBiology, WCU
Examining resiliency and grit in school psychologists with concerns to burnout2024Engebrethson, Matthew StudentPsychology, WCU
The effect of moral reconation therapy on adolescents in a group home setting2011Evans, Ashley JaneStudentPsychology, WCU
Establishment of a CRISPR-Cas9 system for promoter recombination in cryptococcus deneoforman...2021Evans, Jack S.StudentBiology, WCU
An examination of the influence of social information on territory selection by a partially ...2011Evans, Jackson WesleyStudentBiology, WCU
Encouraging engagement: mentoring students with chronic absenteeism2018Foerst, Debora KinslandStudentHuman Services, WCU
The effects of habituation on boldness of urban and rural song sparrows (Melospiza melodia)2020Fossett, Taylor ElaineStudentBiology, WCU
Evaluation of torso stability using the basin of stability chair 2013Fox, Walter DaltonStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Exploring the factor structure and correlates of capability for suicide2023Gamble, Taylor StudentPsychology, WCU
Ensuring evidence-supported pedagogical practices through instructional coaching2024Gillespie, Sarah StudentHuman Services, WCU
The effects of nicotine on the cognitive processes of adolescents and adults2009Golden, Lauren LeighStudentPsychology, WCU
Evaluation of laricobius nigrinus (coleoptera: derodontidae) oviposition behavior and the ef...2021Gonzalez, Lauren MichelleStudentBiology, WCU
The effect of parenting styles and biparental cooperation on reproductive success in the Car...2020Gooden, Molly KatherineStudentBiology, WCU
Effects of variations in tree canopy openness, prey abundance, and abiotic factors on bat ac...2018Granger, Thomas StudentBiology, WCU
An evaluation of sedation level using bispectral index (BIS) and correlated adverse events i...2014Grey, Paula MichelleStudentNursing, WCU