Benthic fluxes and speciation of dissolved zinc in the Cape Fear estuary
- UNCW Author/Contributor (non-UNCW co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
- Kristie Lee Lieseke (Creator)
- Institution
- The University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW )
- Web Site:
- Advisor
- Robert Whitehead
Abstract: Dissolved zinc speciation was determined seasonally in the water column and in
benthic flux experiments at two contrasting sites in the Cape Fear estuary (CFE) over a 2
½ year period. Total dissolved zinc concentrations (TDZn) ranged from non-detectable
(ND) to 44 nM in the middle estuary and ND to 61 nM in the lower estuary. Zinccomplexing
ligand concentrations, determined using competitive ligand equilibrium -
cathodic stripping voltammetry, ranged from 10 to 102 nM in the middle estuary and ND
to 67 nM in the lower estuary. One class of Zn-complexing ligands was determined with
conditional stability constants ranging from 107.0 to 109.2, similar to what has been
observed in other estuaries. Concentrations of TDZn and Zn-complexing ligands did not
fluctuate seasonally in the middle estuary; however there were higher TDZn and Zncomplexing
ligands in the lower estuary in the fall compared to spring and winter.
Concentrations of both constituents in the middle estuary were greater in the spring and
winter compared to the lower estuary. No statistically significant correlations were found
between TDZn and Zn-complexing ligands with dissolved organic carbon (DOC). This
behavior differs from that observed for Cu-complexing ligands in previous studies of the
CFE in which ligands were strongly correlated to DOC. Organically complexed Zn
ranged widely from 25 to 84%. In contrast, previous studies showed that concentrations
of Cu-complexing ligands were always much greater than total dissolved Cu
concentrations and > 99.9 % of Cu was organically complexed.
Statistically significant fluxes of TDZn were observed in 40% of incubated
cores of bottom sediments at both sampling stations over all sampling periods. These
fluxes of TDZn ranged from -1100 to 1800 nmol m-2 d-1. Only 27% of the cores showed statistically significant fluxes of Zn-complexing ligands, ranging from -1700 to 2900
nmol m-2 d-1, where a positive flux represents the movement of the dissolved species from
the sediments to the overlying water. The sporadic nature of benthic fluxes of both TDZn
and Zn-complexing ligands, combined with the short residence time of water in the CFE,
suggests that sediments are not a significant source or at least not a continual source of
either constituent to overlying waters of the CFE. However, the ligands that flux out of
the sediment are indistinguishable from those in the water column, suggesting that at least
a portion of the water column ligands could be derived from sedimentary processes.
Previous studies of Cu speciation in the CFE show that significant benthic fluxes
of Cu-complexing ligands did not coincide with fluxes of significant Zn-complexing
ligand fluxes. Also, humic substances extracted from Cape Fear freshwater did not
detectably complex dissolved Zn. In contrast, previous studies have shown that humic
substances from the CFE are very strong Cu complexants. Therefore, the ligands
complexed to Zn and Cu are different and their behaviors are decoupled in the Cape Fear
Benthic fluxes and speciation of dissolved zinc in the Cape Fear estuary
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Created on 1/1/2009
Views: 1249
Additional Information
- Publication
- Thesis
- A Thesis Submitted to the University of North Carolina Wilmington in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science
- Language: English
- Date: 2009
- Keywords
- Speciation (Chemistry), Thesis (Chemistry), Zinc--North Carolina--Cape Fear River Estuary
- Subjects
- Zinc -- North Carolina -- Cape Fear River Estuary
- Speciation (Chemistry)
- Thesis (Chemistry)
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