Exchange of Plankton, Pollutants, and Particles Across the Nearshore Region

UNCW Author/Contributor (non-UNCW co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Sutara Suanda (Creator)
The University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW )
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Abstract: Exchange of material across the nearshore region, extending from the shoreline to a few kilometers offshore, determines the concentrations of pathogens and nutrients near the coast and the transport of larvae, whose cross-shore positions influence dispersal and recruitment. Here, we describe a framework for estimating the relative importance of cross-shore exchange mechanisms, including winds, Stokes drift, rip currents, internal waves, and diurnal heating and cooling. For each mechanism, we define an exchange velocity as a function of environmental conditions. The exchange velocity applies for organisms that keep a particular depth due to swimming or buoyancy. A related exchange diffusivity quantifies horizontal spreading of particles without enough vertical swimming speed or buoyancy to counteract turbulent velocities. This framework provides a way to determinewhich processes are important for cross-shore exchange for a particular study site, time period, and particle behavior.

Additional Information

Moulton, M., Suanda, S. H., Garwood, J. C., Kumar, N., Fewings, M. R., & Pringle, J. M. (2023). Exchange of plankton, pollutants, and particles across the nearshore region. Annual Review of Marine Science, 15(1), 167-202.
Language: English
Date: 2023
nearshore, cross-shore exchange, particle behavior, turbulence, wind, surface waves, internal waves

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