Sutara Suanda

  • Physics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW

There are 9 included publications by Sutara Suanda :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Data assimilation sensitivity experiments in the East Auckland Current system using 4D-Var 2023 35 This study analyses data assimilative numerical simulations in an eddy-dominated western boundary current: the East Auckland Current (EAuC). The goal is to assess the impact of assimilating surface and subsurface data into a model of the EAuC via run...
Drivers of neritic water intrusions at the subtropical front along a narrow shelf 2024 24 The near-ubiquitous presence of freshwater over the inner to mid-continental shelf off of the Otago Peninsula in southeast Aotearoa/New Zealand has been previously identified in long-term cross-shelf transects. Occasional influxes of this silicate-ri...
Drivers of seasonal to decadal mixed layer carbon cycle variability in subantarctic water in the Munida Time Series 2024 25 Using ancillary datasets and interpolation schemes, 20+ years of the Munida Time Series (MTS) observations were used to evaluate the seasonal to decadal variability in the regional carbon cycle off the southeast coast of New Zealand. The contribution...
Episodic Summer Chlorophyll-a Blooms Driven by Along-Front Winds at Aotearoa's Southeast Shelf Break Front 2024 27 This study investigates the influence of along-front wind forcing on chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) at the Otago Shelf Break (OSB) in southeast Aotearoa/New Zealand using remotely-sensed and in situ data. Summer wind stress over the OSB was shelf-aligned, osc...
Exchange of Plankton, Pollutants, and Particles Across the Nearshore Region 2023 25 Exchange of material across the nearshore region, extending from the shoreline to a few kilometers offshore, determines the concentrations of pathogens and nutrients near the coast and the transport of larvae, whose cross-shore positions influence di...
Internal Bore Evolution across the Shelf near Pt. Sal, California, Interpreted as a Gravity Current 2021 16 Off the central California coast near Pt. Sal, a large-amplitude internal bore was observed for 20 h over 10 km cross shore, or 100–10-m water depth (D), and 30 km along coast by remote sensing, 39 in situ moorings, ship surveys, and drifters. The bo...
Mesoscale and wind-driven intra-annual variability in the East Auckland Current 2021 23 Intra-annual variability in the East Auckland Current (EAuC) was studied using a year-long timeseries of in situ and remotely-sensed velocity, temperature and salinity observations. Satellite-derived velocities correlated well () with in situ observa...
Moana Ocean Hindcast – a ?>?25-year simulation for New Zealand waters using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) v3.9 model 2023 43 Here we present the first open-access long-term 3D hydrodynamic ocean hindcast for the New Zealand ocean estate. The 28-year 5?km×5?km resolution free-running ocean model configuration was developed under the umbrella of the Moana Project, using the ...
Modelled coastal circulation and Lagrangian statistics from a large coastal embayment: The case of Bay of Plenty, Aotearoa New Zealand 2023 145 In this study, a high-resolution one-way nested, hindcast ROMS model was developed to analyse the coastal circulation and Lagrangian statistics within the Bay of Plenty (BoP) region in Aotearoa, New Zealand. The Bay of Plenty Model (BoPM) was statist...