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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Ruppia maritima seed and Thalassia testudinum seedling responses to fluctuations in salinity...2009Kahn, Amanda E.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Reaching Across Borderlines: Collected Essays from the UNCW-IIUI D.O.S. Partnership2022King, Aaron FacultyPublic and International Affairs, UNCW
Rhetoric and man's best friend : culture, narrative, and the voices of dogs2009Lorschieder-House, Jean StudentEnglish, UNCW
A reel nightmare exposed : a study of the cultural significance of Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Str...2009Lowery, J. VincentFacultyHistory, UNCW
The role of benthic macrofauna in influencing fluxes and speciation of dissolved zinc and co...2009MacGillivray, Kenneth A.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Reactivity of substituted 4-Pyridones in normal and inverse demand Diels-Alder cycloaddition...2009MacNevin, Christopher J.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
The role of the Cape Fear River discharge plume in fisheries production : aggregation and tr...2009Markovsky, W. CoultStudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Reaching Across Borderlines: Collected Essays from the UNCW-IIUI D.O.S. Partnership2022Masters, Daniel S. FacultyPolitical Science, UNCW
Rural preservation in an urban setting : advocating historical significance of the Martindal...2009Mims, LuAnn MargaretStudentHistory, UNCW
Recirculating aquaculture system integration of bivalve culture for effluent nutrient compos...2009Myers, Amanda R.StudentMarine Science, UNCW
Retaining Adolescent and Young Adult Participants in Research During a Pandemic: Best Practi...2021Nooner, Kate FacultyPsychology, UNCW
The role of vanadium as a chemical defense of the solitary tunicate, Phallusia nigra2009Odate, Shobu StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Reaching Across Borderlines: Collected Essays from the UNCW-IIUI D.O.S. Partnership2022Parker, Michele FacultyEducational Leadership, UNCW
The removal of Cremophor® EL from paclitaxel for quantitative analysis by HPLC-UV2009Perdue, James D.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Residential flood vulnerability along the developed North Carolina, USA coast: High resoluti...2019Pricope, Narcisa FacultyEarth and Ocean Sciences, UNCW
Remote Sensing of Human–Environment Interactions in Global Change Research: A Review of Adva...2019Pricope, Narcisa FacultyEarth and Ocean Sciences, UNCW
Reaching Across Borderlines: Collected Essays from the UNCW-IIUI D.O.S. Partnership2022Ray, Anirban FacultyEnglish, UNCW
Reversible intracellular acidification and depletion of NTPs provide a potential physiologic...2023Reed, Katherine A. FacultyBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
[Review of the book The image of librarians in cinema, 1917-1999]2009Riggins, Adina L.FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
[Review of the book Appraising moving images: Assessing the archival and monetary value of f...2009Riggins, Adina L.FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
[Review of the book The film preservation guide: The basics for archives, libraries, and mus...2006Riggins, Adina L.FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
[Review of the book The Memory Librarian and Other Stories of Dirty Computer]2022Riggins, Adina L.FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
Review: Presidential Archivist: A Memoir by David E. Alsobrook2023Riggins, Adina L.FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
Reproductive success of least terns and black skimmers in southeastern North Carolina2009Roman, Katrina M.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Rainfall impacts on suspended sediment concentrations in an urbanized tidal creek, southeast...2009Saal, Lauren B.StudentEarth Sciences, UNCW