Lecci, Len


There are 9 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Participant training and its effect on actual retrospective timeframes 2009 1598 When rating moods (e.g., How do you feel “at this moment”), individuals employ lengthy timeframes that do not converge with the expected timeframe (Lecci & Wirth, 2006). Participants (N = 1,096) were used to validate a method referred to as participa...
Explicit and implicit bias measures : their relation and utility as predictors of criminal verdict tendency 2009 43731 The relations between explicit and implicit racial bias measures were examined in the present study, along with the predictive validity of these measures for juror verdict tendency for criminal case summaries as a function of case type and defendant ...
Hypochondriasis : the relationship between self-verification and confirmatory biases along a continuum of illness beliefs 2009 1314 The present study examines how the role of illness fear activation affects the attentional biases of individuals varying in hypochondriacal tendencies. Participants were assigned to either a health protective condition or a health fear induction cond...
Quantifying participation while examining situational and personality variables in a jury deliberation 2009 1152 The current research quantified individual participation in a jury deliberation in an attempt to predict rates of involvement as a function of situational and personality characteristics. Measured level of juror bias and conscientiousness result...
Effects of mood and cognition on the social information-processing mechanisms underlying aggression 2009 2302 The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of executive functions and anger activation on the social information-processing mechanisms related to aggressive behavior. The social information-processing stages examined were attribution, goa...
Affective and perceptual consequences of media activation of the black female "Permiscuous" streeotype [i.e. "Promiscuous" stereotype] : moderating role of target race 2009 2347 The impact of exposure to promiscuous female rap on both subsequent judgments and empathetic responses towards Black females were investigated. Male and female participants were exposed to sexually explicit rap, sexually inexplicit rap, or neutral mu...
The commensurability of self-reported personality and mood assessments 2009 1317 Two studies were conducted to explore the overlap between personality and mood measures. Study one focused explicitly on achieving greater congruence in the retrospective timeframes used to assess personality and mood. Instructional sets drawn fro...
Examining the stigma of mental illness across the lifespan 2009 9165 Stigma related to mental illness can deter help-seeking in those who need it and result in discrimination. Studies indicate that negative attitudes toward and social distance from the mentally ill are greater among males, and those with less educat...
Temporal observations of mother-child interactions : a study in emotion regulation 2009 1300 Emotion regulation is often conceptualized as the mechanisms or processes that modify emotional arousal or reactivity. Caregiver behavior is hypothesized to have a major influence on the development of emotion regulation in young children. Research t...