Physical discipline and externalizing behavior problems: moderating factors

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Sara M. Loudermilk (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:
Susan Calkins

Abstract: Growth curve modeling was used to examine the influence of physical punishment (PP) on the trajectory of externalizing behavior problems in a community sample of children across the ages of 5 to 10. In addition, negative affect (NA), emotional climate (EC), race, and socioeconomic status were examined as moderators. Results indicated that over time, externalizing behavior problems decreased, though considerable individual variability in the pattern of change was observed. Initial levels of behavior problems were predicted by PP and NA. The PP x EC interaction approached significance. Changes in this trajectory were predicted by PP. Interactions between PP x EC and PP x SES also trended towards significance. Overall, the trajectory of externalizing behavior problems over time was not predicted by the experience of PP alone, but rather that other factors influenced this association.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 2011
Growth curve modeling, Physical punishment, Externalizing behavior problems, Discipline
Corporal punishment of children $x Psychological aspects
Behavior disorders in children
Discipline of children $x Psychological aspects

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