Rethinking How Patrons Discover Information: Implementing a Discovery Tool

ECU Author/Contributor (non-ECU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Megan E. Besaw (Creator)
Elizabeth Ketterman (Creator)
Michael Tucker (Creator)
East Carolina University (ECU )
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Abstract: Objective: The ECU libraries like most academic libraries use various tools for searching our collections: the online public access catalog (OPAC) the institutional repository locally developed databases and subject-specific article indices. Each of these collections requires their own search interfaces and strategies. To better serve our patrons the libraries wanted a way to perform a comprehensive search of these collections from one place. Methods: The libraries formed a task force in January 2010 to explore two questions: (1) Were we ready to implement a discovery tool? (2) If so which tool currently on the market best met our patrons’ needs? The task force demonstrated three tools to the libraries: Ex Libris’ Primo Central the EBSCO Discovery Service and Serials Solutions’ Summon. By May a decision was made to move forward with Summon. The implementation process and usage statistics of the Summon tool at the university are examined in this case study. Results: Upon review of usage statistics from the launch date we have seen steady usage. Statistics show a trend in increased OpenURL linking since implementation of Summon. We have found the addition of a discovery tool beneficial in the exposure of our library's collections.

Additional Information

Ketterman E. Besaw M.E. & Tucker M. (2011 May). Rethinking How Patrons Discover Information: Implementing a Discovery Tool. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Medical Library Association Minneapolis MN.
Language: English
Date: 2011
Summon, discovery tool, Medical libraries, Health sciences libraries

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