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There are 41 record/s using the keyword/s: literature.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Only to the extent: insanity in the works of Kurt Vonnegut and redesigning developmental edu...2013Lane, Thomas-Anderson JoshuaStudentEnglish, UNCG
Ordering the chaos : family, nation, and terror in post-9/11 anglophone fiction2022Shelat, Jay N.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Peer social support as a moderator of child abuse risk and child internalizing symptomatolog...2013Gowda, Anjali S.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Postmodernity and the History of African American Religious Representations: A Foucauldian A...2007Dawkins, Sabrina Y.StudentSociology, UNCG
Review of Tilting Cervantes: Baroque Reflections on Postmodern Culture2009Williamsen, Amy R.FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
"a Sceane of Uttmost Vanity": the Spectacle of Gambling in Late Stuart Culture.2002Evans, James E.FacultyEnglish, UNCG
Sentimental Materialism: Gender, Commodity Culture, and Nineteenth-Century American Literat...2001Weyler, Karen A.FacultyEnglish, UNCG
The speculative mode: intersections of literature and the new science in Restoration England...2018Matey, Crystal LeeStudentEnglish, UNCG
Strange changes: cultural transformation in U.S. magical realist fiction2008Bro, Lisa WengerStudentEnglish, UNCG
Tristram as Critic: Momus's Glass vs. Hobby-Horse.1971Evans, James E.FacultyEnglish, UNCG
Understanding (dis)abilities through children’s literature2008Kurtts, Stephanie A.FacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Understanding (dis)abilities through children’s literature2008Gavigan, Karen W.FacultyEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Ut pictura non poesis: Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda and the Construction of Memory2008Lopez Alemany, Ignacio FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
Walker Percy's Lancelot and the Critic's Original Sin1988Yarbrough, Stephen R.FacultyEnglish, UNCG
Who was Deborah Kallikak?2012Smith, J. DavidFacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
With Regards from Frankel City2008Walker, Susan OvercashStudentEnglish, UNCG