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There are 13 record/s using the keyword/s: homelessness.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
An analysis of North Carolina homeless shelter policies: potential for fracturing the integr...2013Spriggs, Helen FullerStudentNursing, UNCG
Beginning with homelessness: a rhizoanalysis of neoliberalism, social justice, and community...2018Edwards, Kathleen ElizabethStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
A case study of the supports that foster teachers’ awareness of students with disabilities e...2017Walker, Melissa SullivanStudentSpecialized Education Services, UNCG
Homeless Women's Experiences of Service Provider Encounters2014Nichols, Tracy R.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Homelessness and depression in children: Implications for interventions1995Schmitz, Cathryne L.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Homelessness as One Component of Housing Instability and Its Impact on the Development of Ch...1995Schmitz, Cathryne L.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
The Impact of Homelessness and Shelter Life on Family Relationships1998Lindsey, Elizabeth W.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Improving the health and wellbeing of homeless individuals using relational care approaches2024Pearson, Michael C.StudentJoint Program in Social Work, UNCG
The Interconnection of Childhood Poverty and Homelessness: Negative Impact/Paints of Access2001Schmitz, Cathryne L.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Joy2019Brunelli, Kristen AshleyStudentEnglish, UNCG
A qualitative study of the lived experiences, practices, and perceptions of McKinney-Vento l...2024Moffitt, Roslyn StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
The right to exist: Homelessness and the paradox of leisure2019Harmon, Justin FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG
The Role of Social Contact in Public Perceptions of Homelessness in Parks and Public Spaces2023Hickerson, Benjamin FacultyCommunity and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG