Browse by Keywords - OTHER

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There are 3334 record/s using the keyword/s: other.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Emotional eloquence : the argument from pathos in deliberation1996Armstrong, Mark R.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Curses, hallelujahs, and amens : the rhetoric of Daniel Defoe, a case study in didactic fict...1996Ashburn, Beth Ann StudentEnglish, UNCG
The blue flame1996Ayau, Kurt JoseStudentEnglish, UNCG
Conversations : computer mediated dialogue, multilogue, and learning1996Baldwin, Beth Ann W.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Perceived nonfinancial barriers to maternity services in Guilford County by African American...1996Bennett, Karen WebbStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Gender role conflict and coping : a preliminary investigation of college males1996Bergen, David JohnStudentEducation, UNCG
How do firefighters cope? : an investigation of coping strategies and symptoms of distress w...1996Black, Lynda K.StudentEducation, UNCG
The influence of case discussions on physical education preservice teachers' reflection in a...1996Bolt, Brian R.StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
A performer's guide to baroque vocal ornamentation as applied to selected works of George Fr...1996Brittain, Karen Anne GreunkeStudentMusic, UNCG
The development of school counselor identity1996Brott, Pamelia EllynStudentEducation, UNCG
A case study of the effects of learner-centered portfolio assessment on teachers' and studen...1996Brown, Constance RippetoeStudentEducation, UNCG
Male caregivers with cancer diagnosed partners : an exploratory study1996Browning, Frankie CarrollStudentEducation, UNCG
School/family/work : a mesosystem analysis of factors affecting child care teachers' persist...1996Buell, Martha J.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
"If you don't have a story, you don't know where you are" : listening to African-American fe...1996Burgin, Terry BunceStudentEducation, UNCG
The rhetoric of advocacy in American nature writing1996Carpenter, Geoffrey PaulStudentEnglish, UNCG
Dimensions of perfectionism as vulnerability factors for depression in the narcissistic and ...1996Cassady, Patricia M. B.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Modification of human high density lipoprotein by cigarette smoke extract and its impact on ...1996Chen, Chen StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Effect of music instruction on language development of preschool children1996Crosswhite, Jeanette E.StudentMusic, UNCG
Perceptions of the supervisory relationship : recovering and non-recovering substance abuse ...1996Culbreth, John R.StudentEducation, UNCG
The past as liberation from history1996Culclasure, Scott P.StudentEducation, UNCG
Testing a social-cognitive model of achievement motivation1996D'Agostino, Cynthia Anne FrascoStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Common threads : the meaning of needlework to ordinary women1996Daniels, Glennie OvermanStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Race, class, and family success stories : a study of two magnet programs in a southern eleme...1996Deasy, Mary KayStudentEducation, UNCG
Middle school culture and teacher efficacy : an examination of relationships in two professi...1996Hartman, Kimberly J.StudentEducation, UNCG
An administrative review of an early reading intervention1996Hedrick, Denise EverhartStudentEducation, UNCG