Browse Author By Last Name - J

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There are 234 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Jablonski, Amy L.Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student
Jackman, Luc AlainMusic, UNCG Student
Jacks, Timothy Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG Student
Jackson, Aaron Christopher BergmanEnglish, UNCG Student
Jackson, Aaron RonaldMusic, UNCG Student
Jackson, Alice DixonHome Economics, UNCG Student
Jackson, Elizabeth GoldenHome Economics, UNCG Student
Jackson, Hope W.Educational Studies, UNCG Student
Jackson, Jadarius RashaunEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student
Jackson, Joel ThomasEnglish, UNCG Student
Jackson, Mabel YvonneHome Economics, UNCG Student
Jackson, McArthur Education, UNCG Student
Jackson, Mia Political Science, UNCG Student
Jackson, Michelle AntonitteEnglish, UNCG Student
Jackson, Nevelyn MartinEducation, UNCG Student
Jackson, Sara CatherineDrama and Speech, UNCG Student
Jackson, Susan A.Health and Human Performance, UNCG Student
Jackson, Thomas F.History, UNCG N/A
Jackson-Newsom, Julia Office of Research and Economic Development, UNCG Faculty
Jacobs, Candace Research, Outreach, and Instruction, UNCG Faculty
Jaffie, Charlene K.Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG Student
Jalovec, Jeffrey ScottJoint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG Student
Jamerson, Ann LouPhysical Education, UNCG Student
James, Channelle D.Business Administration, UNCG Faculty
James, Cherise N.W.Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG Student