Browse Author By Last Name - M

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There are 753 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
McNeill, Emily HelenKinesiology, UNCG Student
Mellendick, Kevan M.Nutrition, UNCG Student
Melton, Howard GeneEnglish, UNCG Student
Mirzaei, Tala Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG Student
Murphy, Mardita M.Interior Architecture, UNCG Student
Martínez-Novoa, Lorraine M.Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG Student
Mitchell, Heather SunshineSociology, UNCG Student
Modaresnezhad, Malak Interior Architecture, UNCG Student
Maghrabi, Rozan OmarInformation Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG Student
Marble, Kimberly E.Psychology, UNCG Student
Meeks, Olivia N.Dance, UNCG Student
Mejia, Yesenia Psychology, UNCG Student
Merritt, Tiffany CharitySociology, UNCG Student
Milloway, Shawn H.School of Music, UNCG Student
Mitchell, Amanda K.School of Music, UNCG Student
Modaresnezhad, Minoo Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG Student
Molina, Alejandro Geography, UNCG Student
Moore, Catherine Nursing, UNCG Student
Murphy, Kathryn O'ConnorEnglish, UNCG Student
Murray, Coleman Nutrition, UNCG Student
Ma, Fang-Yu Public Health Education, UNCG Student
Man, Yanmao Computer Science, UNCG Student
Massengale, Kelley Erin CarpenterPublic Health Education, UNCG Student
McGuire, Meghan H.English, UNCG Student
Milstead, Jonathan Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG Student
Mize, Jamie MyersHistory, UNCG Student
Morris, Quinn A.Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG Student
Meier, Matthew E.Psychology, UNCG Student
Miller, Katelyn JoBiology, UNCG Student
Moore, Angela LenoraEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student
Mauro, Alta ThorntonEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student
May, Casey Psychology, UNCG Student
Mitchell, David J.Music, UNCG Student
Moore-Lawrence, Shaneeka Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG Student
Manzo, John Kinesiology, UNCG Student
Maple, Bailey MarieEnglish, UNCG Student
Matey, Crystal LeeEnglish, UNCG Student
Mayton, Heather Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG Student
McCartney, Sarah EllenHistory, UNCG Student
McClanahan, Jill LynetteTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG Student
McCurdy, Amy LeighHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG Student
McLaughlin, Robin E.School of Music, UNCG Student
Merchant, Erin K.Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG Student
Mwangi, Joseph NjorogeChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG Student
MacInnes, Joshua Educational Research Methodology, UNCG Student
Mannino, Stephen MichaelKinesiology, UNCG Student
Marty Matos, Luisa CarolinaInterior Architecture, UNCG Student
Mathwig, Amber M.Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG Student
Michie, Ian M.History, UNCG Student
Moran, Steven JavierBiology, UNCG Student