Browse Author By Last Name - F

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There are 302 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Farthing, Mary Ann CrossHome Economics, UNCG Student
Fee, Jerry RayEducation, UNCG Student
Felton, Rebecca HobgoodHome Economics, UNCG Student
Ferguson, Claudia JeanHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG Student
Ferree, Robert GrayEducation, UNCG Student
Fifer, William PaulPsychology, UNCG Student
Fodero, Joseph M.Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG Student
Foster, Jimmy WhelessEducation, UNCG Student
Franklin, Lewis GlennEducation, UNCG Student
Franklin, Elda Music, UNCG Student
Franklin, Charles LeeEducation, UNCG Student
Frye, Buford VernonEducation, UNCG Student
Fu, Victoria RuthHome Economics, UNCG Student
Fuller, James NathanielEducation, UNCG Student
Fishel, Anne HopkinsHome Economics, UNCG Student
Fishburne, Shirley HerlongMusic, UNCG Student
Foxx, Virginia AnnEducation, UNCG Student
Frazier, George WillieEducation, UNCG Student
Frimpong, Nesba AmaHome Economics, UNCG Student
Ford, Theresa AnnMusic, UNCG Student
Fitzgerald, Jeri A.Education, UNCG Student
Feinberg, Hal Psychology, UNCG Student
Fitzpatrick, Winston English, UNCG Student
Fox, Linda PageEducation, UNCG Student
Freeman, Isabel AutryMusic, UNCG Student