Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Title - N

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
The nondual level: the cosmopolitan imagination of liquid modernity as visual midrash.2012Serpa, Gabriel ForresterStudentArt, UNCG
Nature and the non-objective : an essay concerning fifteen paintings1953Brandt, Warren StudentArt, UNCG
The nature of twenty paintings1959Petteway, Betty E.StudentArt, UNCG
New ridges1968Kollath, Richard StudentArt, UNCG
Non-preconception1971Evans, Dennis JamesStudentArt, UNCG
A notion of human space1975Elliott, Teresa AnnStudentArt, UNCG
Nineteen-hundred and seventy-three1975Godwin, Vann AbbegailStudentArt, UNCG
Nineteen-hundred and seventy-four1975Harris, John PaulStudentArt, UNCG
Nutritional investigations with cellulomonas flavigena1967Fletcher, Paul LittonStudentBiology, UNCG
Nanoparticle toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster: a case study with nickel, nickel oxide, an...2018Zhang, Tian StudentBiology, UNCG
A new method for creating a visual plant identification key2015Dellinger-Johnston, Rebecca A.StudentBiology, UNCG
Nutrient desposition and drought effects on arthropod herbivore damage in longleaf pine sava...2024Mann, William T.StudentBiology, UNCG
New leads against drug-resistant organisms : shifting the focus in discovery towards rapid p...2022Winter, Heather LynStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
A novel application of organocatalysis for the synthesis of six-membered ring lactones2019Baber, Tylisha M.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Nutritional manipulation of HIV/AIDS: the effects of ergothioneine and cultural complementar...2015West, Lauren StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
New strategies to identify bioactive compounds from complex matrices to combat drug-resistan...2018Britton, Emily R.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
A novel method for the selective elimination of HIV infected cells: dexamethasone and procai...2011Elbourakadi, Najoua StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
A new crossed molecular beam apparatus for the study of the Cl + O3 reaction probed via dire...2012Mark, Nicholas R.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
New instrument for probing the pure rotational spectroscopy of cold molecules produced via "...2012Mauney, Daniel T.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Nanocidals therapy for osteomyelitis2012Qadri, Shahnaz MajidStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Neonatal feeding skills in preterm infants and the relationship to speech and expressive lan...2016Mabe, Betty StudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG
North Carolina education professionals' linguistic knowledge and instructional and collabora...2020Abdelaziz, Mariam M.StudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG
Narratives of female ROTC student-cadets in the postmodern university2010Fairfield-Artman, Patricia StudentCommunication Studies, UNCG
NEural models for ontology annotations - NEMO2022Devkota, Pratik StudentComputer Science, UNCG
The need to belong: an exploration of belonging among urban middle school students2017Stickl, Jamie E.StudentCounseling and Counselor Education, UNCG